
Y’all STILL don’t hear me (nor this Batch) ‘tho! Right after you zip up, she’ll be in the living room calling your Mama a monkey and being mean to your kid if their hair is too coiled. Ask Halle Berry how her ex was psychologically torturing their kid cuz she ain't as cute as her mama and her hair couldn't pass.

Zero fucks given here! You made a mockery of marriage, specifically, interracial marriage. You can’t play with this on a reality TV show. Real life reality demands more effort.

They never see themselves as marrying into a Black family. They see you (lucky you, that is) as marrying into a white family. Therefore, you are the one who needs to adapt, not them.

Thank you; although his diatribe reads as though it’s been loaded in his pea brain and ready to go for awhile; the assertion that the female writers aren’t as talented as the male writers is a big tell. Huge.

“I find it hilarious though that as soon as a lot of the talented male writers start leaving the site, you start seeing more and more of these types of articles. I’ll never get why so many Black women are so incredibly pressed about someone else’s dating choices. He dated a white woman, why does it bother you so much?

In the sphere of “reality television” ... which contains very little in the way of reality ... this was always one of the absolute dumbest ideas out there.

“Married at first sight”

That’s what you got out of this?!? SMDH

“Vhhyyyyy do you insist I learn these Bleck things and be around these Bleck people?! We are just man and voman. I will pretend you have just deep tan and your history, culture, language and traditions do not exist and we vill raise our tan kids that way...let’s call it being colorblind! Except I will teach them to

“I’ve had several months to reflect on a very challenging moment in my life.

This article is longer than his marriage.

I really don’t know what point you think you’re making, but the point of how I worded my statement was obviously to mimic/mock what Morgan said. 

If someone quit being her friend over her views on race, I wonder if it had anything to do with her introducing a bill that would ban the teaching of CRT in schools (something they are not doing) AND implement a state level version of the changes to equality training that Trump implemented (and Biden removed). 

They’re not scared. The children of the people who tried to stop integration are just trying to stop people from teaching about it.

I saw that mess yesterday. Man, the ratio. That bitch got ROASTED. I made sure to add fuel to the fire.

First, they made CRT an imaginary boogeyman. Then they held it up to scare themselves.

I don’t know if it’s possible to be black in America without unknowingly being some white person’s “black friend”

Me reading the Black Twitter response to Rep. Morgans tweet:

I had several Black friends.

“I had a black friend.”