Haha. Good luck in the real world kid. Lets see how you handle critism from a job or boss later in life when you cant run to blizzard to protect you from the big bad man who yelled at you. Enjoy your PC diaper kiddo.
Haha. Good luck in the real world kid. Lets see how you handle critism from a job or boss later in life when you cant run to blizzard to protect you from the big bad man who yelled at you. Enjoy your PC diaper kiddo.
You’re a nigger
You’re a nigger
You’re a nigger
You’re a nigger
You’re a nigger
You’re a nigger
If you cant handle someone telling you “GG ez” on the internet I’m pretty sure you’re the little kid with the insecurity issues........
Fuck your pc faggot ass
lol sure. Please talk about a game that is nothing but quicktime events like it actually has character or development. What a delusional kid.
LOL dumbass.
And yet you continue to give him all the free publicity he could ever want.
Found the salty bloodborne hater who actually likes the worst from game in the last 20 years (Dark Souls 2).
Blizz has been shitting on their old veteran players ever since the end of WOTLK. You should really be used to this by now.
How does blizz’s cock taste?