
Its not latency. It’s the fact that blizzard decided to make a “competitive shooter” with shit tick rate. You could have basically 2 ping and still have issues like this because the in game tick is literal shit. People need to just stop treating this like its anything but a casual shooter.

Its like a dollar an like double what your mom makes per handjob.

This is easily the most immature response I’ve ever read on the internet. No wonder you work the drive through line at mcdonalds.

Anyone that comes to kotaku for dating advice is going to die alone.

Kill yourself for putting this garbage on a gaming site. Time to finally jump ship on the gawker shit show. Hello polygon.

So try it instead of sitting here being a cunt.

Grow up

This was the stupidest comment I’ve ever read on the internet. Congrats.

If they have the problem with that money let them go get an actual job then. No one is forcing these kids to play professionally. It’s a choice.

This is by far the easiest expansion to pvp in..... You no longer need to grind honor for pvp gear, there is scaling in place, you have pvp world quest, open world pvp zones like in stormheim, random battlegrounds, azshara, arenas.......You’re literally just grasping at straws for things to bitch about....

You could try going outside instead.

I honestly hope for a third world war and a second holocaust so you idiots can learn what a real nightmare is. You’re so fucking sheltered and ignorant.

I hope this site is gone within a year, you all deserve poverty and fucking death.

Wow you’re ignorant.

Your job should have ended with gawker.

It’s blue Pocahontas.

Hopefully the cubs jet crashes on the way home. Fuck that entire org. The only way they can win a single series is by intentionally tanking the last decade. That team and city is a rancid pile of shit.

hahaha you’re adorable

LOL you’re so fucking mad over the internet.....hahahahaha

I’m 27....and I made more at my job looking at kotaku this week than you make a month. Enjoy your false sense of internet tough guy superiority. It’s clearly the only thing of value you have in life.