It’s more than just college.
It’s more than just college.
Feminists CREATED the entire trigger warning, safe spaces, idea censorship, infantilization and professional victimhood tenets of academic feminism that dominates college campuses and now popular media with “fat shaming”, “slut shaming” and the entire alphabet soup of insufferable childishness and preciousness jargon.
No. Can’t tolerate different viewpoints and it’s not just the consent stuff, they also want trigger warnings and to police professors and what they can and can’t teach, lest these delicate flowers be exposed to any form of thinking that doesn’t mesh 100% with their ideology. They’re like the feminist taliban.
I know that complaining about Facebook changes is high on the list of "most ridiculous things you can waste your time on", but what is the hate-on that FB has for showing posts in chronological order? If their algorithm for determining what I was interested in was even vaguely accurate I might be more accepting, but…
The whole "5 years of experience for this entry level job" thing was a real hurdle to get over. Employers still have the upper hand in the market, so they get away with asking for ridiculous requirements, and people who are actually overqualified are being put in these entry level jobs and being underpaid for their…
This is a very "Engadget like" blog. A biased Apple fluff blog in other words.
The Pros and Cons of Going iPad-Only
There are ultrabooks out now costing <$500 that can do everything you say an IPad can do, except for a cheaper price and a slightly larger carry-on. I just can't justify this... it seems like this is just a pro-iPad article that didn't do much research on any alternatives. While I'm not an Apple hater (I applaud…
"Cost: an iPad is much cheaper than a l̶a̶p̶t̶o̶p̶. MacBook." Fixed it for you.
I cannot wait for her story this season. Its going to be SO GOOD
This music is so bad.
Meh, the previous minimum wage increase didn't result in increased inflation or unemployment. Sure, at some point that will no longer hold true if you raise them too high or too fast, but that point isn't say ... $10.
Why? GIFs power the internet. You are draining the internet of kitten powah.
CCleaner does. It's in the Tools section, under Startup, Context Menu.
Hey man, don't let all the joke haters get you down. Stand your ground.
Despite not being in any sort of physical danger, Zimmerman still plans to shoot DMX.
Furthermore most interviewers are HR schlubs that don't have the slightest idea what the job they're interviewing you for consists of. So they throw in BS/Psychobabble crap questions they read in some HR magazine or heard at some HR conference so they get to feel like they're good at their HR job.
"Interviewers claim they want to know if you are well-rounded. Nonsense."
"Oh my gosh, it's Josh, my phone's either off or I'm gettin' sauced. Leave a message at the beep."
Are you serious? Go look it up, there's thousands of legal pages and mumbo jumbo if that's what you're interested in. It's a good article. You are probably the guy that patrols the office break room telling people what should and shouldn't go in the recycling.