
I was okay with Octavia because she more than anyone has such a good reason to feel alienated from Arkadia/Ark/Sky people thing, the 100 are her people, her friends, but that larger community represents something that kept her under the floor for most of her life, then banished her to what they believed was almost

I honestly wanted to know if Brendan "confessed" I ran over her with a unicorn if the judge would deem his comments as non coerced and the result of rational choice. Well it makes no logical sense with the evidence but he CONFESSED to it so lock his ass up. Who watches that interrogation and walks away thinking he

Narratively that makes no sense if she slept with Cole during the Noah/Alison six week sex break, a baby fathered by Cole would be late not early relative to when she last slept with Noah. A full term baby would be more likely to be Noah's from when they were together in Manhattan/Cold Springs.

Her lips are bloody though, which fits with that being a continuation of her torture in the bedroom. I don't think it demonstrably changes the end of the movie though, Elias kills his mother, because it's the only way he can be reunited with the mother he remembers.

More like what was the cave full of human skulls/bones where they found the cat?! WTF?!

Yeah I wanted Mama to be a monster, even though her son was kind of crazy, plus I most of missed a cut to Elias having a nightmare about her in the woods, because I took that at face value so was still holding out for that until he tied her up, when it became obvious she was just a grieving mom coping with a crazy kid.

I liked her calmly trying to *rationalize* with her sadistic mentally disturbed child. C'mon NOW, let me go…. That's working like a charm sister.

Hee he also had the line about hungry Corgis next door, and needing to get together for an Arliss marathon. Which made me laugh even harder because Vernon kinda looks like Robert Wuhl.

I can not believe such an ASS STUPID episode of television got an A-.

A Room with a View….of HELL.

I found this to be a largely an unfunny, manic, LOUD, mean spirited mess. Also Skylar Samuels seems like a second rate Anna Sophia Robb, I think this show is missing someone genuinely likable with the fierce gumption you need in a Final Girl. SS has all the mannerisms but none of the heart. I like Emma Roberts more

I thought it was yeah, and I feel like Will's entire reason for going to Hannibal's home was to find out just how much truth there was to that story about having to eat her under duress. I do think we are meant to still question it a bit, but I think it mostly happened as Hannibal related,I just think he might also

I don't remember any of that in The Ring, I thought they just said eh, she's evil, and like her dad was a sea monster or something, I liked that the American film version didn't get too much into it.

Which is why I love The Omen and The Ring, Damien and Samara's origins are literally inhuman But I like that Hannibal is a human kind of evil, and not innate and inexplicable. Mads version is practically a humanist, he's got so many murder puppet buddies (Will, Bedelia, Chiyo, Abigail,), and craves companionship like

>>We as an audience know that’s not true — Bedelia tells us so soon after.<<

Hecate's was my favorite as well, especially with the scarab pins. I did like Angeliques but agree it was very Belle Watling, but then Angelique IS Belle Watling.

Agreed he clearly recognized her, and was fascinated by her transformation into Frankenstein's country cousin.

Um, Dorian clearly DID recognize Lily as Brona,I find it bizarre that anyone thinks otherwise, he was fascinated by her precisely because he did recognize her and was wondering how a redheaded consumptive Irish whore turned into a blonde English country girl associated with his former lover Vanessa.

I wouldn't call 13 ice dudes a "society" or a culture, I think they're just the balance of nature, Children of the Forest being the other side. I don't need my mythic beings to have motive per se, that they are just Evil, incarnate, and given form.

Yes thematically and symbolically I think the Other's and White Walkers represent Nature/Death as a great equalizer. But there's no evidence they exist outside Westeros but if they can figure out how to row/sail a boat I guess the rest of the world is screwed too.