Whatever I am rooting for both couples, especially Alex/Tina who were giving me Harry/Sally vibes all over the place.
Whatever I am rooting for both couples, especially Alex/Tina who were giving me Harry/Sally vibes all over the place.
Agreed Lucious has history with gang violence that intersects with the NoI, that's relevant if he's now courting a NoI rapper with gang beefs, and I'd wager this aspect of things has yet to play out fully because it's serialized and soapy.
Probably, but I think if he wasn't dealing with ALS/impending death Anika would be out the door. He doesn't want to try to reunite with Cookie only to die on her, he already knows how much he's hurt her.
Right this show can be both important AND a soap opera at the same time, but it isn't any less a soap opera and shouldn't be critically deconstructed as if it were authentic hard hitting drama about hip hop. I would love that kind of show too by the way, but it probably won't be on Fox.
Josh Ralston continues to review a completely different show than he is watching.
Next you'll tell me you don't have a problem with 'the granular details" of Empire. Dude is bring a gun to a knife fight.
I think the pilot shot of Alex fixing Tina's broken shoe and putting it back on her foot portends something non-platonic in nature, but doesn't absolutely foretell it. I would be fine with either, they definitely have a Harry meeting Sally thing.
Considering Nancy Grace just interviewed 2 Chainz…no?
Michael Sam.
Me too I think it being satisfyingly soapy is triumph not a red mark, and I don't find anything about it to be generic, I mean there is precisely what one white person in the large cast? That's fresh, and win, in and of itself.
Because I enjoy hating them.
A list of characters I connect with more than Noah and Allison:
Yes that is just what the world needed Sarah Treem anohter maybe it was maybe it wasn't rape scene, and her giving tacit preference to Noah's version is just pissing me off.
I think what bother's me most about Treem's statement is that it's making an argument that both Noah and Allison's memories are *accurate* even when they are in direct conflict with one another (the rape/consensual sex, Cole and the gun). It makes a huge difference if Cole both raped her and threatened to kill four…
But that's not it. The FBI including Lana's Bosses played the tape for Cary, and Cary told Bishop the FBI played a wire tap. Nothing in that conversation with Bishop exposed Lana giving the tape to Kalinda/F&A. Further Bishop was already aware the FBI had a wire, that's why Cary got popped in the first place.
I so agree, like I thought it was Emmy worthy, and I think her work is pretty consistently great, in that she is stuck with the toughest kill joy character, so when she gets let go get crazy it's extra hilarious.
Yes I think it's obvious she's mostly seeing Lana to help Cary with this ongoing Bishop issue that she's in up to her neck, and is pretty much curbing him so he can keep his mind on staying out of jail instead of risking going back by violating the 30 foot order, which would be annoying since she's risked her life to…
She also made a mistake (assuming flashbacks are exact narratives they are giving the detectives) in episode one as you say she painted him as a creeper and she didn't take a shower with him, but this week she told the detective, while they were on the beach Noah said he was happy to see her with clothes on.
Noah's mother in law also made similar comments about "losing" her baby and how she should take care of herself, she was drunk/high but she seemed as judgy as she was sympathetic, but again that could just be Allie's perception of what people think about her role in the child's death.
Not only that, she specifically said the only people a the party where the murder victim was were "local", that means townies. She was claiming NO summer people were there, which could be an obvious attempt to deflect suspicion from herself and Noah who I'm guessing are actually married/together now. The interviewer…