
It’s a little annoying but I like to think it’s even more annoying to the dipshit who decided to ditch a well-known brand name for no good reason other than his own hubris and narcissism.

Musk’s fanboys are almost as rabid as Cathy’s.

If they voted to hand the world’s richest man an additional $56 billy, they’re going to vote to hand money over to other companies, going to vote to smash their own balls, and vote to nuke Costa Rica because it sounds Spanish-y. Rubes, cultists, and sycophants rule the voting bloc.

I think that may actually be one of the reasons why Musk has thrown his support behind Trump… he would love nothing more than to see the FTC, SEC, CFPB, CPB, OSHA and the IRS destroyed or severely weakened.

Yup. Remember how a few months ago before the shareholder vote on the pay package, he threatened to move all future AI development out of Tesla?

Holy crap, I was just saying yesterday how I think it’s a massive conflict of interest that Musk is running his own AI company on the side while pushing Tesla as an AI company too, and that the only purpose would be to force TEsla to buy out xAI for a inflated price... and now here we are!

It’s all a shell game, when is the FTC going to start cracking down on him?

Everything about Trump is one giant grift, so Trumpers grifting Trumpers is just a natural part of the life cycle.

Folks who had their cars towed have to pay $380 to get them back from Gotcha Towing.

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

It was almost certainly some other MAGA drone who assumed he could park there and told others. The herd instinct with that crowd is very strong. 

I like watching Everything Auto videos on Youtube, good, professional, honest tow company. Absolutely everyone he tows that is illegally parked claims someone told them they could park there.  I don’t believe for a second that Dunkin gave up their parking lot to let a bunch of MAGAts prevent customers from visiting

Texas: The lone star is their yelp review rating.

Oh of course. I was laughing as I was writing it. None of this behavior is normal or ok.

Lol this article was posted for us to laugh at the guy, right? Nobody should feel bad for him. Nobody.

I’ve had people complete a left turn in the on-coming left-turning lane... regularly.

Anyone who builds their multi million dollar palace on a beach, which is an erosional/depositional landscape, deserves to have their multi million dollar palace fall into the sea the first time a storm comes along.

Provide access now, or give it up in a few years when your house is destroyed. I’m good with either way.

I have zero pity, and zero sympathy, for people who have houses along shorelines.    Any shoreline.  River, lake, stream, sea, ocean.  It’s a wildly mercurial environment, and if you won’t step up to help the government that’s TRYING to help YOU, then you get what’s coming to you, which is a very indifferent Mother

This feels like a self-correcting problem. When the houses wash away, they can rebuild the beaches for all to enjoy.