
Of course there’s fucking stock buy backs.

In other, completely unrelated news:

100%. I work for a fortune 500, and it is the same cycle every time. Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth. When you lay off all of these people, it frees up reporting cash for shareholders to see. Which means when they actually do have growth, they will need to re-hire anyways and have massive

Incoming announcement of a complete turnover of the Wendy’s marketing team in 3...2...1...

This would simplify the process of deciding where to eat.

Give me more.  All of it.  More of it.

These are videogames. The point of this medium is not to efficiently get thru a plot, it’s to interact and play with things.

This is a pretty silly take. No one complains that a novelization has more content than a film. The difference here is its really only as long as you choose to make it.

This. FF7 was the first game I put over 100 hours in getting everything before finishing. I remember golden Choco breeding taking a massive amount of time  and probably have a couple hours alone in watching Bahamut Zero’s animation

“never meant to be this long”?
I spent about countless hours in the original FF, doing all kinds of quests, grinding to lvl 99 before the final confrontation, trying to get every Materia possible, golden Chocobo breeding... the list was endless.
How can a remake be “too long”?
I mean - it is FF7, most people who buy

What a weird takeaway.

His popularity is from people who are doing better than others to listen to how bad they have it.

Dude literally made his money selling common sense or other people’s advice in books to people with money trouble who are trying to get out of it. His popularity is from people who are doing better than others to listen to how bad they have it.

The only mystery is why the poor white people still think the rich wypipo at GOP is all for them, time after time they prove they’re not but instead are the complete opposite. Last night I was reading an Ars Technica article about Bernie Sanders calling out Big Pharma over their high prices in the USA (some up to 10X

Their problem is that they aren’t actually for anything that a majority of people find palatable. They want to preserve the power of white men (already a minority), but really only wealthy white men. Seriously, you can’t really name anything else they want that anybody’s life better. Everything else is just in

The dumbfounded look of confusion on Carlson’s face as Putin droned on incessantly is truly something to be savored”

I am just saddened and shocked by how quickly the Republican Party about-faced on Vladimir Putin. I remember 15 years ago then VP candidate Sarah Palin seriously suggested that the US go to war with Russia if Putin invaded Ukraine. Two days ago the same person posted this image to Twitter:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out

Straight, cisgendered folks who think that this has nothing to do with you: Please understand. These same folks will come for your birth control. They will come for your ability to hook up with randos. They will come for you.

I mean in WV their govenor is a former coal exec, and they vote GOP who consistently attack unions (other than police unions).  Their ancestors literally paid in blood for a lot of worker rights and to dismantle those company towns.  Meanwhile Musk and other billionaires are planning company towns for workers who will