What a weird takeaway.
What a weird takeaway.
His popularity is from people who are doing better than others to listen to how bad they have it.
Dude literally made his money selling common sense or other people’s advice in books to people with money trouble who are trying to get out of it. His popularity is from people who are doing better than others to listen to how bad they have it.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Straight, cisgendered folks who think that this has nothing to do with you: Please understand. These same folks will come for your birth control. They will come for your ability to hook up with randos. They will come for you.
I mean in WV their govenor is a former coal exec, and they vote GOP who consistently attack unions (other than police unions). Their ancestors literally paid in blood for a lot of worker rights and to dismantle those company towns. Meanwhile Musk and other billionaires are planning company towns for workers who will…
Wait, you think Fox hates Russia? You mean the same broadcaster who defended Trump buddying up to Putin, blackmailing a democratic country (Ukraine) with weapons intended to defend against Russia, and who constantly argue since the war started that we should just let Russia roll up Ukraine because who cares about them…
wow so much FOX-fuelled Russia-hatred in the comments.
Buying either of them funds scumbags...
When did this trend of hating on Hideo Kojima start? Sure the dude is a bit eccentric, but I’m not so sure I’d agree that he is “insufferably pretentious.” You might just be someone who doesn’t really like his games. The dude knows what he is. Is his exhaustion self-inflicted? Yes, most likely. But he also admittedly…
Why? People who supports fascists, scam artists, fraudsters, and con-artists are paving the way for more of the same, making the world a worse place.
Anyone acting like Musk isn’t visibly an incompetent egomaniac at this point is clearly just a troll trying to get their little squeeze of dopamine from negative attention.
It’s all true. People are talking about it.
You forget that there are many, many Elon ButtSnorkelers out there, who will ignore reality, even when presented on a silver plate.
Okay Sean, don’t over promise. Just say we’ve been working on something and show some clips!
Bungie has proven they can’t handle Destiny so many times already. It really has been a franchise that’s full of issue. From Destiny 1 being a flop and dieing super quickly, to Destiny 2 being a total mess.
Confusing expansions, excessive amount of currencies and microtransactions. One of the worst crimes of all was…
Elon Mush is a POS, and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.
Dealerships need to die.
Based on no evidence, I would assume the Venn Diagram of people who use TikTok and people with paper maps are 2 completely separate circles.