
I finished this last night, and I’ve decided that Forspoken is a pretty great game sabotaged by tons of bad decisions. The core is great and I love playing it, but they made a lot of odd choices that are just bizarre, and it felt like they collapsed the back half of the game into 2 hours and had to cram a bunch of

You know it’s good when the review bomb can only bring it down to around an 8/10.

I think they want to avoid “FEMA puts people in camps” because enough morons in the real world actually think that already and there’s no reason to pour fuel on that fire and assist with the real life damage created by the terrible decisions those people make.

Tbf by far the main reason unions have a bad name isn’t a mystery or the random story like this here and there, it’s capitalist propaganda blatantly misleading the working class into fighting against their best interests

If you were to make a movie with the American Government’s actual response to Covid, without having lived through it, everyone would say the writing was far-fetched and wildly unbelievable. iPhone?

He didn't even co-found PayPal. He started which merged with Cofinity (Cofinity was later renamed PayPal). He was fired from PayPal due to incompetence and took a golden parachute. 

LMAO this idiot thinks people will buy a special phone just to use twitter?

Microsoft and all their unleveraged money couldn’t make the Windows phone a thing.

The deregulation that occurred to allow this issue to become this bad happened under Trump’s FCC. The current FCC doesn’t have a voting majority since 10 Republicans need to vote to allow the confirmation vote for Biden’s appointee, Gigi Sohn. Until the Senate moves, there’s not much for the President to do.

We can only hope Ajit Pai gets hit by a bus for the clusterfuck he help create 

When the BEST CASE is that your market turns out to be a Ponzi scheme, that’s probably a market you want to avoid.

Which is why it is so important that everyone who isn’t a Trump voter is a voter.

Except that’s entirely untrue.

Why are you stupid?

we were never the laughing stock of the world as we are now, under Biden.

I’ve seen a bucket of manure care more about facts than all the Trumpanzee’s combined.

we were never the laughing stock of the world as we are now, under Biden.

Biden left a huge vacuum in Afghanistan (along with $85B of hardware that will eventually kill soldiers and civilians elsewhere). No matter how you look at it, He did not end the war. He retreated.

So there were no American soldiers in Syria under Trump? Afghanistan was evacuated of all American soldiers by Trump? American soldiers weren’t killed in Nigeria while Trump was President?