
“Everyone in Jin’s world is beautiful, but no one is horny.”

I'm not surprised. I mean, those dogs are small, but not THAT small.

Yes. It’s all about the grift. I hear the talking heads on TV who can’t understand how the MAGA crowd can be so loyal to Trump after all he’s done. He’s a grifter. Its what they do. They won’t abandon Trump until he abandons them when he has taken all he can from them and moves on to the next grift. 

It dovetails well with the typical Republican motto of “screw you, as long as I get mine”

Trump’s worldview may be hard to pin down into a coherent ideology

At this point I’m convinced that if Biden said the Earth was round you’d turn half the electorate into flat-earthers overnight, and Pearson would be rushing out brand new textbooks saying that the shape of the planet was “debatable.”

The twitter replies to this news are psychotic. Participating in “console war” discourse should be a bannable offense across the entire internet. 

Sure they spray liquid shit in my face... but they promise to spray even MORE liquid shit in the faces of immigrants, POCs, and gays. So they got my vote!” - GOP voter, wiping fecal rivulets from his brow.

People still vote republican despite having liquid shit sprayed in their face for doing so. People don’t learn.

I guess it’s time for Charter to raise rates, cut customer service staff and add a new mystery line item to their bills.

Is it cancel culture?  Or a violation of their First Amendment rights?  I have so much trouble keeping track.

Remember when Fox called Mr. Rogers evil?

“This is cancel culture!”

Good.  Now do Fox News.

Biden yesterday

And vaccines, and masks, and social isolation... nothing worked.

Being vaccinated is tremendously effective at preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death. It is also very effective at reducing the risk of infection.

“And vaccines, and masks, and social isolation... nothing worked.”

All of that did work... the end goal of all of this was to reduce human injury and death and to do that we needed time. Masks and social distancing gave us time to understand how to treat severe COVID cases (where death rates was exceedingly high in

II didn’t wanna say it, but I’m gonna. You’re part of the problem. This kind of buffoonery is why this nation is so divided. I think you’re “volurable”

Considering this was originally written in 2021 as per your URL.... lol