
I'm not sure I follow the logic of "Given that Jessica Chastain is the captain….along with the likes of Kate Mara and Michael Pena….there's a possibility of a turnaround of the spaceship…though it's not as easy as turning a plane around."

Late comment, but I don't get why Cyril feels he has to be creepy (i.e., act like that, but he obviously doesn't know he's being a creep)

I wonder how much of Patton Oswalt's filibuster was actually improvised.

For those out there who have disfavored *Abed* this season for being "too meta" and/or being featured too prominently — go re-watch SEASON 2 (the seemingly fan favorite).

I seriously believe that Dan Harmon put a "curse" on the show.  Not a curse in the hex sort of way.  But in the sabotage way (even though he didn't know he was exiting, he certainly felt some sort of impending doom, hence the S3 finale).

Every seed of doubt of Pam's and Jim's commitment, every kernel of uncertainty that they'll make it, etc….. each and every little one of these things completely retroactively withers away at how "special" their love and pre-couple mutual attraction really was.

It was revealed somewhere that the writers had planned a season arc on Pam seriously weighing her options with that guy, but the immediate/early reactions were so vicious that they completely abandoned it in-season.

Or the Scranton Changler

One last thing.  Looking at the ratings history, it blows my mind there was a time where only 620,000 people in America were watching Archer live ("Honeypot").

So, are we all 100% certain that Lana went to a donor?

I have a feeling that @avclub-589622fb3974db41fbe4a37b78d8585c:disqus 's final words will be a weakly-scribbled "happiness is shared" somewhere in the wilderness. 

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Tit-groping is the new getting-preggers-from-a-mens-toilet-seat apparently.

Did they pretty much use Kristen Schaal as Tiffy's model?

I don't know how else to explain how I feel about The Office right now, other than by saying that the show has lost its "soul."

Wait, I'm fairly new to this site… What's the big deal here about me being unregistered? Actually, what does that even mean?; I thought by virtue of posting I'm shown as having registered with this handle.

Yup, I read the Wired piece as well, and the overall tone can be summed up as "disgruntled."

Maybe I'm alone on this, but does anyone get the notion that Dan Harmon has been/can get a bit overly sensitive, critical, and/or "Debbie Downer" when it comes to his own show?

I thought the opening number was a not-so-subtle swipe at NBC's very own The Office. To premiere last season, The Office had its entire cast perform a choreographed lip-synched number of "Nobody But Me," and the premiere opened right into the number without any prologue. I thought it was on-the-nose obvious. The

I'm equally shocked about the divide — but from the other side of it. Went online thinking that I'd encounter a message board meltdown over how subpar the episode was, and to my extraordinary surprise there are viewers who loved it and claimed it to be one of their favorites.