
Maybe you are willing to do that, but I’m not willing to get arrested defending someone who, in a best case scenario, broke the law on purpose by lying to get a visa and then just saying fuck it and staying put when it expired. Worst case, they jumped the border and, knowing they could be deported at any fucking time,

That’s great and all, but isn’t the jail system already overpopulated? How does investing in youth centers help the already overcrowded jail system? I can see it having an effect BEFORE the overpopulation problem, but now that it’s here it has to be dealt with.

Should they be investing in underserved population

Thats their own damn fault

Honest question:

What exactly is the school suppose to do? Their power is very, very limited. They can’t just suspend the student without being accused of and possibly sued for violating first amendment rights.They haven’t been able to use physical force against a student for years, and they cant get a resource officer

It should be noted that Puerto Rico’s lack of voice in congress, as well as its own inability to access basic state services, are not the fault of previous administrations, but the fault of the island itself. It has repeatedly refused to vote either in favor of statehood or in favor of independence, either one of

*Clap Clap Clap* He’s a straight white male saying FUCK IT to nazis folks, and he let everyone know it. Give this man a fucking medal. I bet he also calls out his racist grandma at thanksgiving AND invites a poor black family to dinner every week.

No one gives a shit if you’re white or straight. It didn’t somehow lend

It’s a good thing the justice system relies on hard facts and not “common sense”

The gun may have been a plant, but the evidence did NOT rules out that it was the suspects gun.

If some asshole tried to run me over with his car, I would probably say “I’m gonna kill him!” too. Doesn’t mean I actually plan on doing it.

well, they weren’t more than sure. Need to wait for a good picture of the gun to see if it was one of the realistic looking BB guns or something like a bright colored NERF gun. I willing to bet now it was a BB gun though.

The principle matters. It doesnt look like a Supremacist symbol unless you change the orientation of the middle and add two more symbols.

If this is a standard, the BLM raised black fist is suspiciously close to a raised white fist, typically seen as a symbol of white power, making BLM a hate group. You only need to

And yet, banning anything that so much as looks like it might be considered at some point in the future that is kinda maybe looks like a hate symbol if you change the orientation of a few things and add a few more things is absolute horse shit. Literally suppression of free speech for teh feelz. It is Un-American.

I think he means changing this is all kinds of dumb. That symbol so vaguely resembles the Alt-Right symbol it would be impossible for someone to mistake it for the other. Yet, someone did, and threw a fit. So Bungie played it safe. When people talk about SJW, this is what they mean.

The reason cops dont get convicted is because of the people that are suppose to be convicting them. If you put a cop on trail for being racist, and the cop loses, that throws EVERY case that cop has ever been a part of into question. Every single one. So now you need to re exam all that evidence, some of which may

It really is an easy thing to fix. I get it fixed in a week if I had the motivation and power.

Love watching jackass’s get speared to the ground :)

Doesnt federal law trump state law? Like, you can still be arrested in Colorado for smoking weed because it is still a federal crime.

Either way, If someone is here illegally, should they not be given to the proper authorities to deal with that? Basically it seems like this sheriff is getting sued for ignoring the

This lady has no idea what she is talking about. Merely being accussed of rape and having to go to court will destroy a person in the modern era. Imagine if it happened to you. You apply for a apartment, or a job, or anything else that might require a background check, and it will show up. People wont read past “X

I live in rural Kansas, and I have never heard anyone say anything involving canadians unless we were poking fun at a stereotypical accent. This is probably a local thing.

People here are way more blunt.

I dont see this case winning. It was an executive action, which means it can be canceled by any sitting president for any reason. It could cost $1 to maintain and if the president want to cancel it because it costs too much, there would be nothing anyone could legally do.

Even assuming the President is a racist

Question from ignorance:

Why haven’t these kids applied for citizenship in the past several year, especially if they had a visa only they could get? It seem like they had a perfect opportunity.

Let’s be real here. What she said was no different than some assuming a black person is a criminal because the TV only ever shows black people getting arrested. Calling all white people racist is nonsense, and wholly unlikely to do much good for anyone. The goal should be to force white people to actively push against