
Okay. Good luck.

'a one time'. Honest to God question, is English your first language? If not I genuinely feel horrible and I am sorry.

'your'. STILL. I like your proud lack of intelligence. I like you.

This doesn't even make sense. I would explain context but your spelling has improved, so one step at a time.

'I was intentionally stupid!'

That too tbf. I so badly want ANY TWO characters to hook up. Gabriel and Sasha? Okay. Eugene and Abraham? Sure. Gabriel and Sasha? Okay. Carol and drunky mcwifebeater? Why not. I feel like I'm in a sexless marriage. And its not okay that we still haven't seen Daryl's naked back.

Carol's epic 'come at me *bro*' moment. She would have fucked him where he stood without getting a speck of blood on her twinset.

'your will learn in time'. I sincerely hope you will too.
