Remember: Excessive use of “Dismiss” can lead, but is not limited, to being sheltered from differing opinions; neglecting sizable portions of the country; misreading the national mood; and a Donald Trump presidency.
Remember: Excessive use of “Dismiss” can lead, but is not limited, to being sheltered from differing opinions; neglecting sizable portions of the country; misreading the national mood; and a Donald Trump presidency.
what states that she won would he have lost? He would have for sure had a better chance at winning MI and Wisc. The Jewish Socialist thing is the only thing Hillary supporters have on him and someone in favor of raising the minimum wage and taxing the rich probably would have done better in the areas she lost.
Trump turned out very similar numbers to the previous three Republican candidates. 62m for Bush, 59 for McCain, 61 for Romney, 60 for Trump.
We ain’t talking about the “idiots” the racists or the misogynists when we look the drop off from Obama to Clinton, those votes ALWAYS go Republican because as we all know, they…
That totality of people who didn’t vote for her and did vote for Obama don’t hate her because she’s “unlikable” or a woman. Remember, Obama got 10 million more votes then she turned out in 08 and 5 million more in 12. The 5 million people who stayed on in ‘12 aren’t the racist, misogynist bastards your looking for,…
Not enough to win the election, evidently.
Yes. That is exactly what that post was.
We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.
Prioritizing Hillary Clinton’s feelings over the people who will die as a result of this election is how we got into this mess in the first place.
You’re right...the timing was bad. Comey should have brought charges in July when the Democrats could have changed courses.
I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.
It’s not racism-lite. I don’t know why so many Dems believe this. It’s so dumb.
Right? I am pissed at the DNC for refusing to acknowledge the plight of people with no education and no jobs. Obama knew how to speak to them, Joe Biden knew how to speak to them, and BERNIE knew how to speak to them. Bernie was so popular with the white working class because he listened to them, and then he said we…
The same way voting for hope and change obama claimed made sense.... you’ve actually met way more of these people then you’d ever believe, just like they’ve met more gay people than they know. You’re an even worse person for screaming racism without knowing a thing about them.
Nick, excellent article. I hope all my fellow left coast liberals grasp the concept of how this election happened.
“I’m 61 years old. Where am I going to go find a job? I’ve worked in the mill my whole life. I’m uneducated,” he said.
There is only one person to blame to Donald Trump’s victory and that is Hillary Clinton.
so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?
Sorry, but you’re full of shit. There are people out there who voted for Trump solely on the idea of getting rid of corruption in government, or for trade issues, etc. I happen to believe they were misled, but they had a right to vote for the candidate they felt would be best for this country. No one has an…
What do you mean “do your part?” You didn’t show up. Those numbers are real and they don’t lie. You. DID NOT. SHOW UP.
lol yeah man i hate when people beat up on the presumable next president by asking her about current issues. Its literal violence.