
Seriously. How can the DNC argue with a straight face that Trump doesn’t respect the democratic process (through his claims of vote rigging), while tampering with their own primary process to tilt the election in the favor or their preferred candidate?

And the Democrats are all Russia-baiting like some sort of 50s caricature.

Should have been Bern. Look what the DNC and Clintonites have done.

The current POTUS is not the one acting entitled to my vote in an election that will be over in about two weeks.

You say that as if that would be a change from the way things have been for the last quarter century.

I truly do fear that the collapse of the Republican party will result in the takeover of the Democratic party by the DLC and “reasonable” Republicans. You know: the people who believe in evidence-based policy and all that, but are otherwise all about maintaining class structure and class privilege. Clinton, of

I’m really digging how Democrats are becoming the new party of useless Cold War posturing and opposition to whistle blowers.

I’m not ragging on you for asking a question.

Nobody is ragging on you for asking a question, dipshit.

As an average voter I care about this. Chelsea Manning supporters care about this. That navy guy who is serving a one year prison sentence for an innocent selfie cares about this.

Screw the flat belly! Go you! Losing 76 pounds in 15 months is no small feat!! Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Lunch counter sitins were specifically NOT considered polite. Freedom riders who refused to ride in the back of the bus were NOT polite. Those workshops were about how to be polite to the people that heckled you and the police who were arresting you, not how to be polite to society in general.

“Conventions in this media age are more like coronations”

Nice moving of the goal posts. You said people didn’t do that when you were a kid, so I pointed out times in the last century when they did do that.

Do you have any idea how political conventions worked in the past? Like, when you were a kid and even before you were a kid? Because this is nothing compared to what’s come before.

I would think objecting to a neoliberal warmonger with no discernible progressive opinions would kinda fall in there.

I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.

Thank you Congressman Schultz, for not supporting progressive principles in Congress and for leading Denocrats to huge losses in the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections while never showing a hint of impartiality in presidential primary races.

Thank you, Congressman Schultz, for your tireless advocacy and support of payday lenders. We need more leaders like you!