
Wait... Does he have a different face that he uses?

My first thought is always CTE with something like this. I know I don’t know any details, but if he really is making up this affair thing in his head it would make sense.

This is like 75/25 beef for sure

The people that support this are the same people that have a problem with kneeling for the national anthem. Think about that for a second.

This is the perfect punishment for actions that are disgusting. His business will now suffer and so will his public image. This isn’t a guy having a bad day, look it up, he’s had multiple instances of flagrant racism. He should crawl back into the hole where these bigots belong.

God, you’re good.

Trying to hit those Wilt numbers

I miss Kobe beef...

Wow, so he totally ripped off this:

I wonder if it’s flat

I went to their rival high school and they’re a bunch of rich kids over there. I had to deal with them in both baseball and football games. If things haven’t changed since I was there these kids all probably suck. Imma be happy for a week. Go Bruins!

Hi Sean, TLDR the thread. Is there proof that it works?

He wasn’t necessarily bad, but more unknown - Jeff Conine. He had the best game face in baseball history.

If you keep watching the broadcast Castellanos calls out Sanchez for the cheap shots and Sanchez denies it. What a chump...

You mean the “Ortiz Trot”?