
So your reply to someone is, hoping their daughter gets murdered? Well looks like we found one of the biggest piece of shit person on the planet.

Um. You?

You guys are beating this horse deader than a cracked out transwoman sex worker.

Wasted? LOL. This shiat is still being talked about in the news 2 weeks later. This damn near topped a missing white girl story. The only people talking about cutting Netflix off is the ones that don’t pay for it now.

stop supporting people wearing gender versions of blackface. 

I’m glad GoT never spawned a catchphrase related to Jon Snow’s intelligence that antivaxers can weaponize against this PSA.

This is the first time I’ve commented on an AV Club article in years. I used to have multiple accounts with thousands of comments, because every time they’d come up with a new comment management system I’d get locked out and have to start over. I’m embarrassed to say that I used to read almost every article on here

Imagine if all of your friends kept telling you about how fun, funny and cool their friend is and what a great time they had with her the other night and they all kept saying that you should come hang out with her sometime and eventually you agree to go hang out with her and she spends the whole time crying and

The thing about The Jaunt is that it sucker punches you into forgetting its a horror story until the last paragraph. Which is wjy the jumpscare of an ending works so well .

Get a life everyone. This message board sounds like a bunch of religious conservatives losing their mind when comics started swearing and talking about sex in the 70s.

90s: “This guy thinks video games cause mass shootings, what a moron”

Exaggeration is pretty easy, too.

Well, I actually watched the special. Here’s its list of sins, in my book:

Has anyone seen the video of the transwoman at Sonic?

This is EXACTLY how jokes can be made of a transperson. The interaction was utterly ridiculous and unreasonable and the transwoman demonstrated damned near everything wrong with how many transpeople react to perceived slights.

To start, the transwoman didn’t bother

Imagine a world in which all this performatively defiant chest-pumping against Dave Chappelle actually managed to make a difference like, say, preventing him (or Netflix) from producing more comedy specials making fun of trans people.

So, I can side with Dave Chappelle, an extremely likable comedian with a heart as big as Jupiter, who brings laughter and joy to countless millions of people when the world constantly appears to be on the brink of collapse, or I can side with those that give me nothing but grief because I don’t refer to them as “xir”

We need far more trasphobic humor, just as we have always had humor poking at those who endanger us. The trans beliefs and behaviors have revealed themselves to be the single greatest current threat to civilization, particularly to real women and girls. The Nazis didn’t like being the butt of jokes either.

So did Ernest.

She’s what we call “the exception that proves the shul”.

“Hello, Mister Bond. My name is Pussy Galore.”
“Yiffies spoogysnugs.”
“Excuse me?”
“Moves paw towards cock.”