
Can any of you stupid fucking people take just five minutes to read what Wisconsin State self-defence law - y’know, the only thing that actually matters - has to say about the legal use of deadly force?

Any Black woman who has survived America to be come an adult is smarter, and stronger, and more deserving than a Confederate general

Also, what’s considered anti-trans today is MASSIVELY, MASSIVELY, MASSIVELY different to what was considered anti-trans in 2007 when Deathly Hallows was published.

It’s because the online trans community are completely fucking mental. Seriously, the reaction to Rowling’s comments (which, let’s be honest here, were pretty tepid and heavily qualified) was simply deranged. Hundreds of thousands of tweets (hell, maybe millions at this point) snarling and hyperventilating and

Uma Thurman’s socks.

You should check out In Rainbows if you haven’t already. Some great tunes on that one.

I know the article says they “don’t get on” but, given how I’d happily, no joke, suck Jon Favreau’s dick for $29 million dollars, I’m guessing “don’t get on” is an artful understatement.

This implies that he is proud of all the other irredeemable piece of shit movies he’s starred in. What’s up with that?

Seriously, I want to know. I truly want to know what it’s like to have every resource America has to offer at the tip of your fingers and to still not want to know shit. You have the best schools with more funding, but you still don’t want your children to have all the available information. You have police

If there exists this vast catalogue of “lived experience” proving Chappelle’s jokes cause real harm to the trans community then you shouldn’t have any trouble pointing to some of it.

Nothing more cringe than a self-hating white peacocking for likes on a black website.

Seriously. Fuck off. This is just a theoretical game to you - like a thought experiment in Philosophy 101. The connection between hate speech and hate action is obvious and you can study it all you want to for free on the internet”

How has he been harmful? What harm (other than, maybe, some hurt feelings) can be directly attributed to his comments? You seem to take the existence of this harm as a given but it’s actually just an article of faith. You presume the harm is there because that’s what your screwy belief system requires you to presume.

A surgeon is not the same as a serial killer, even though they both cut people with a knife. This is true, even if the patient dies. The difference is intent.

That’s the same bullshit conservatives used to attack rap lyrics in the 90s. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now.

lol no. Guys rip on each other because it’s jokes and it’s all in good fun. I’m sorry if you’ve missed out on that bonding experience.

It often does. Would you be angry if someone with Tourette’s syndrome swore at you?

That’s hilarious. ‘Nanette’ barely qualifies as stand-up comedy at all, IMO. In fairness to Gadsby, I haven’t seen ‘Douglas’, but that’s because I did see ‘Nanette’.

“Instead of whining about critical race theory and passing legislation, why won’t you publicly face an actual critical race theorist and hash out your differences?”

Hey, Dennis, quick question. Why’d you suck this racist’s dick so hard?