
I know! And what’s even more shocking is that before Chappelle’s latest special came out all these “white racist conservatives” full-blown allies who flew rainbow flags from their windows and volunteered for the Trevor Project in their spare time! If they hadn’t seen ‘The Closer’ they’d still be beavering away on


He isn’t a Nazi and he doesn’t talk like one either, you lying, mush brained troll. Fuck off.

Stellar rebuttal, shithead. Why don’t you quit wasting my time, fuck off and bug someone else with your witless trolling?

Still waiting for evidence of Chappelle’s anti-semitism. Also, you said Chappelle’s views on LGBTQ are “pretty closely aligned with nazis”, showing that you either (a) have no idea what the Nazis’ views on the LGBTQ community were, or (b) just don’t give a fuck. I’m still waiting for you to back that up with actual

And I don’t care about Dave, but he’s not a Nazi, no matter how many brain damaged wokescolds insist otherwise.

Get it straight, fucknut.  This entire thread has been monopolised by pious wokescolds weeping and gnashing their teeth because they’ve convinced themselves that a few jokes are LiTtErAlLy KiLliNg TrAnSpEoPle!!!1 I’m simply correcting their misapprehension.

I read the transcript.”

Repeating the words “So-and-so is not offended” like a mantra isn’t a substitute for proof. It’s just an irritating, stylistically ugly bit of transparent emotional blackmail.

You people keep saying these jokes are harmful, but you never do anything to prove it. Assertions presented without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

Prove the harm.

You shitlibs invoke the spectre of streets lined with murdered trans people so often, and on such flimsy pretexts, that I think you secretly get off on the idea.

Let’s stop mincing words, or softening the issue: Chapelles discriminatory remarks are not offensive, they are HARMFUL! They cause real emotional and psychological damage to people, and also enable hurtful discrimination towards people.

Kinja is such utter dogshit that I can’t find recognitions’ post to reply to it. That’s no great loss, however, because recognitions is a retard, and even his fellow wokies think he’s a cunt.

I read a lot of horror and I don’t get scared easily, but the following books and short stories all made an impression:

Attention trans people: Any opinion provided without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. Thank you for your understanding.

One reason why someone might triple down on jokes about transgenders is that the community at large (along with its insufferable “allies”) are working strenuously to deprive women of single sex spaces, and routinely go berserk at anyone who dares get in their way.

Concession accepted. Now fuck off.

Never mind all that! When’s The Orville coming back?

I don’t care if I’m a transphobe or not. Judging by your posts, you think pretty much everyone who isn’t in total lockstep with the trans agenda is a transphobe, so the accusation has no bite. Being called a transphobe by you is like being called an infidel by ISIS. All it means is that some asshole doesn’t like you.