
@DaveExile: They are properly shielded from attacks like that. Land based nuclear power plants are designed to easily withstand 747 impacts. I would imagine the military would protect theirs even more so.

Now playing

I thought we already agreed that this is how they built Stonehenge?

My father, a carpenter, would beat me if I bought him that Bosch laser. Its nowhere near accurate enough to build anything outside of a birdhouse.

@Copernileo: Of course his comment was an attack.

@rogger_frogger: There are many different methods of 3D printing. They all have different applications and purposes. Sadly, they only print out in plastic.

Giz, really? You choose the worst picture to showcase. You can see his shadow here. You should have chosen the main picture in the article you linked. In that picture he almost looks indistinguishable from the actual stencil. He blends into the wall.

@Arken: Well how about Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of HP. Being a CEO of one of the largest tech companies in the world didn't get her mentioned in this article.

Excellent read. I may choose this as my materials research project next quarter.

VOTE: Friends

@blindeye: Also, be sure to use purified water. It makes all the difference in the world.

@ericesque: If you are looking for a great Irish breakfast tea, I highly recommend Barry's Tea. Its essentially the national tea of Ireland. Everybody loves it there.

@dotuletz: Tea plants can take up to six years to grow enough to use their leaves for tea. If you have the time and dedication, go for it.

@jamjen: So this effect does have a name! I always wondered if it was classified. Thanks for the link!

I have a Zune Pass, so I don't illegally download anymore. But damn, this article makes me want to start pirating again.

There seems to be a good amount of hate for the series finale here. I personally loved it. I thought it was the greatest series finale I have ever watched.

I will never get rid of my physical books.

I was really hoping this was an article about making more successful lattes... =(