
AGREEd. I can’t be the only one seeing it and I swear they’re building up to a kissing scene between them or something. He and Lyla don’t need that drama

There are two problems with kids in genre shows: 1) by necessity, they’re usually played by inexperienced actors, and 2), they’re usually plot devices at best, not actual supporting characters. It’s a little early to see how Jack Moore’s going to do with what he’s given to do, but the odds aren’t good that he’ll be

“Bad guys are really bad at covering their tracks. Hey, look! They left us a map with their entire plan of attack right on it! What a lucky break-looks like another win for team Arrow!”

Diggle has faced mutated man-shark, seen his city be attacked 4 Times, had to kill his only brother and served over seas but NOW he has PTSD? Wow. And does anyone else see the sexual tension between him and Dinah. Just me? ‘K

You’d think he could vocalise “your actions and vigilantism directly caused the death of my mother. I don’t feel safe with you and blame you for taking away the one parent I had and raising me despite never meeting you before” instead of this bad man stuff... but meh

As a big fan of season 5, this waspure garbage.

Am I the only one who felt there was kind of a Green Lantern tease in this episode (literally, a green-ish lantern). There have been a few nods before, notably a flight jacket with the name “Jordan” at a pilot’s bar a few seasons ago. It’d be nice if they found a way to work Green Lantern in, especially since he and

Sooooooo...did the show just completely forget about Evelyn, Talia and Nyssa? Granted I don’t really care about Evelyn and Talia but Nyssa deserved better, damn it!

I loved Black Siren’s critique of the new Black Canary costume (which I really like, even the controversial gloves) and saying that she would have added fishnets. (So, uh, why doesn’t she? Did someone else design the Black Siren costume?)

I’m already over Black Siren/Laurel. Didn’t ask for it. Don’t want it. Hope it doesn’t last long. Every time she comes on screen I roll my eyes. Every. Time.

I made the mistake of tuning into this episode for Michael Emerson, lol @ me.

Behave William or I’ll ship you off to the island where your mother died!

Yeah...but I don’t think the regression is usually a vocabulary thing like that, more of a behavioral one. Though I could be wrong, just speaking anecdotally.

I believe when he was introduced, he was stated to be 10. Given the time that’s passed, he’s got to be around 13. I was pretty much right there with you wondering about the extremely juvenile label. Regression is not uncommon in children as a method to deal with trauma, but I don’t imagine this show is functioning on

Okay old is William supposed to be, exactly? Because the kid looks like 10-12, but referring to Ollie as “the bad man” seems like something a 4-6 year old would do. It really got on my nerves.

I’m guessing Willa Holland only decided to sign for 14 episodes or so again this season, and Thea will be riding out that coma for roughly the next nine episodes.

The credits were interminable, but at least you could (as I did) read a book while they were going on. Or websurf.

I don't think games necessarily "need" a final boss.

1) Why did the barrels explode?