
The team is already bloated enough as it is. I imagine he's only there because they need someone to sacrifice themselves at a crucial point next year.

This is especially true if the writers are actually aware of the chemistry vacuum.

They tried that very thing today, with her "digging up" (eyeroll) the info about Julian's team getting killed.

I totally expect to get the Barry Allen "It's too dangerous to be your boyfriend" speech to a teary Iris at some point next year.

This Week in Overdone Flash Tropes:

The Alien Menace was way too generic.

The stupidest thing about Cisco holding a grudge against Barry for changing the timeline is that TWO EPISODES AGO HE WAS MAD AT BARRY FOR NOT CHANGING THE TIMELINE!

This Week in Overdone Legends Tropes:

I did enjoy them bringing back the Damien Darhk and Slade Wilson themes during the last fight.

I thought the only really compelling part of the hallucination was Thea deciding to stay.

Seriously, WTF? That was outright bullying.

What's weird was all Ray did was look out a skylight and see stars, as if that's how one determines one is in space or not.

A couple things that irked me:

This Week in Overdone Flash Tropes:

Seriously, the fan reaction to this is bizarre. The "daughter" would be a complete abstraction to the characters in the new timeline, not a "real" person they knew and loved (unlike the fans, who at least got to watch Diggle and Lyla interact with her).

Until the first time they decide to pair Jesse up with one of the males (though they already have to some extent with Wally…).

I'm pretty sure if Clarissa was dead, his daughter wouldn't have just said "she's not here" when Stein said he wanted to see his wife.

Since this writing team has shown they can't utilize "secrets" plots properly, I'd be happy if they just got rid of them completely.

Another thing that didn't make sense to me: how was Kara's blood used to access the Fortress of Solitude?

This Week in Overdone Supergirl Tropes: