There should be a two-part episode of nothing but Tyrese killing 50 zombies.
There should be a two-part episode of nothing but Tyrese killing 50 zombies.
I, too, often mistake centipedes for ice cubes.
I still don't even care which one is Fitz.
Well, considering Scorch only had so many platelets, Centipede is going to need a lot more of those fire guys if they want to mass produce that serum.
Nothing draws more downvotes than complaining about downvotes.
I'm sure they have SHIELD-branded coasters back there somewhere.
He was Condescending Emotionless Bureaucrat in the movies, up until The Avengers shoehorned in some "fanboy" lines for him.
Things are really starting to HEAT UP.
Wait, do you mean March of 2002? I imagine it would still be topical 6 months later. But I don't remember it coming up much at all in March of 2012.
No, it's probably just setting up a "falling off the wagon" subplot.
That and lots and lots of rice.
Nucky warns a restless Willie, “If you’re trying to impress me, you’re off to a very bad start.”
And Coulson is always handing out those SHIELD logo pens to everyone.
If Coulson is her father, then her Asian mother must be….
Scorch should have shouted "FLAME WAR!" when he threw that fireball.
Bob makes sense. They've established him as a former army medic, so it'll be something like: someone in his squad contracted a disease, spread it to everyone else, and they all died horribly except for him, leading him to drink.
Michonne lost a child apparently. They weren't subtle.
This show just doesn't have any sense of population density.
Ha! Skye mentions he has "man hands" but it seems like what would really give him away were his "white hands." They should have had him wearing gloves.
What does a cringe sound like?