
that was a great moment i completely forgot about, because there were so many other great moments. Somehow all of Teddie's angsty shit came out in that scene, he thinks he is the reason his mother left, because of that he was waiting all the time for Tawney to leave, which she did partly because he was just waiting

for me that scene also read more incriminating for Trey than for Daniel. Trey said: "Hanna changed her mind and we need to have a united front." Or something along the lines where it seemed like Trey had talked to Hanna again after the rape. And i can see him killing Hanna and than somehow his twisted mind makes it a

i liked it too, until the wife said: "Frank, you've been dead this whole time.". For me it killed a lot of the mood. You could have just shown him looking back seeing the body, or ANY other way than literally spelling out what is happening in the scene. But subtlety isn't really Pizzolattos thing.

To me it was just sad when Vince Vaughn in his death march suddenly got a spring in his step and started looking forward to the future, but then they just had to make his wife explain that he is alredy dead. We get it, mr. writer, we are not that stupid.

that actually felt right to me, both have reasons and they don't say it's not the right thing to do, but: it doesn't have to be her, at least not now. And there are good reasons not to do it, it could ruin her career, nothing happens anyway, the media might unearth bad things about your past etc. But those reasons

yeah, it's like they would be perfect for each other if they both were who they pretend to be. Teddy might even become a decent guy if he had someone that fights back when he has a temper tantrum and Tawney needs someone who recognizes that her not speaking up isn't the same thing as agreeing.

There are 180 people working on the show, the dad would get money etc. The thing is they always have a reason to justify the shitty thing they do. But if you actually look at it from a bit different angle it is mostly selfish, even borderline sociopathic.
And when it was over the show runnner says: well, we aren't

Tykwer directed germany and nairobi, india was Mcteigue.