
the first non star wars contact i had with her were her interviews with Craig Ferguson on his late(late?)night show. She was so charming and funny and open with her problems.

To be practical i think she said teddy to tell daniel whom of the teds was waiting to talk to him.

When i heard new actors, i was kimd of reminded of was "interview with the vampire", where for the whole movie we get the dour pitt story, and in the end cruise pops up and says: "well, that's one way to look at it, here let me show you the fun one". What i mean is, it would be interesting if the tone of the 2. Season

Godfather part 2. I'm just not a big fan of mafia/crimelord movies. It seems always to be protagonist is starting small, working his way up to fall in the end (think scarface). But part 2 was good, so goof i immediately watched part 1 (also for the first time).

But then people would have started arguing about it being hanna. I like that they didn't tiptoe around it. Chloe is his dream now, a hope he allows himself to have. Why shouldn't she be there.

in a way this season was also about Daniel leaving behind his home, i always says it would be nice to visit. His future is somewhere else, but what Chloe represents is hope in a future. So i don't think it could have been anybody else, maybe Mr. Pickle, but that would have been a strange last scene

in this episode i noticed that most referred to him as Ted, only in the scene with Janet on the phone with Daniel, did she say Teddy. I think the others noticed his growth, too.

but she isn't asking him to snap out of it, she is asking him to get help. But i'm not necessarily disagreeing with you. I think she is starting to see "a life" with him and that surpressed trauma is in the way of it. She is basically sitting on a clock(a child, how can he fit into it) and trying to push the issue.

My personal memory will always be the 9/11 clip of bush reading with children, and then someone whispering in his ear "sir, the country is under attack". And he just keeps sittin there doing nothing.

that scene with Janet and Ted in the car was painful, she wanting to play and him not being able to. And then she starts being hurtful and Ted still is clueless why she is annoyed by him. And somehow it's almost a mirror to Teddy and Tawney's marriage. They care deeply for each other but there are just some things

I will probably keep watching, but next season i will try to wait until all the episodes are out. And if it goes on like this 5 years or whatever their plan is is too much plot teasing for me and until now the show has just felt hollow somehow.

Thanks, it sounds reasonable but it probably means there is a LOT that won't get any clearer the next 2 episodes. They maybe resolve williams timeline, but with your theory that it was in between two big events it had no bigger meaning besides maybe "who is the mib".

You are right, but *lalalala* i can't hear you. Also mib still has no first name, and william no last, of logan we know both.

I get that, but she remembers the past in shirt and trousers with william in a destroyed town, so willy timeline isn't the past.
Edit:And i just refuse three timelines, because that would just make william's irrelevant. Because the robot uprising has happened and we know nothing change between then and "now"

but why is William with her in a time when the town is destroyed? And why does she remember in shirt and trousers if that is supposed to be the past.

I like this because i don't see the "hidden evil depths" in William and i don't think one bad holiday is able to change that. Logan on the other hand… i could believe that.
Edit: You know what? Everything else doesn't make sense to me. Logan is the man in black.

"Blog from a floating platform" had me giggle, so kanye

The bastard i'd sign off on. Imo he isn't particularly smart, he's not a crafty manipulator of the white anguished population who voted for him. He's driven by his id, and his successes seem to stem from "put a layer of gold over it and put a trump stamp on it". But outright dumb, i'm not so sure.

I'm still not sure trump understands a lot (all) of political issues are more complex then the 5 minute slot they get on the news.
"what do you mean i have to read this 200 page report? But i've seen the news on it yesterday! On tv!"

I have the feeling you'll have to get used to that last question because it will come up frequently the next years.