Mr B


You need gauges and switches, the more the merrier! Nothing like getting in a Pete or Kw with a full array of gauges!

Who wants the complex maintenance of a hybrid when you can get 40+ mpg from a civic with a manual shift! They are cheap, reliable and relatively fun to drive. Plus you don’t have to explain away the quirky “looks” of your hybrid.

Sure I care about mpg, but not enough to drive a Prius(or any likeness).

Ferarri legendary car makers + Barris legendary customizer = one hideous debacle of a car.

Very true

That is a lot of work to save $69.95. We will align most cars and light trucks for that amount. Plus doing it at home you really have no way to determine thrust angle. I understand getting it close to get it to the shop, but I can’t see leaving it that way.

If you were every “lucky” enough to drive one of these when they were new you know they drive like CRAP! Poor handling, no power, the doors rattling right off the show room floor. If you have a serious Jones for this ride get a Year One Burt Reynolds sig model full pro tour and put the other half of that price tag in

I hate this thing already! Well maybe not it but the potential owners. They buy these things then when it’s time for service they cry, moan and grown about how expensive it is and how long it takes. Everything on these things is big, heavy and expensive. Don’t buy it if you can’t afford to maintain it.

Bro wagons Bro dozers what ever you want to call them. 3/4 and one ton diesel trucks jacked up on 22" 24" 26" wheels with little insecure broke douchebags whining and crying about how much everything cost.

It is in total shame that I must confess that I am the owner of one of the most expensive t-shirts ever sold. I had hopes of a fun,alternative commuter car that would bring a little joy to a rather mundane drive. I actually got to sit in one at SEMA15 and liked it.