Then why do I see THIS on Gizmodo, IO9, and Kotaku? The science, nerd, and game sites?
Then why do I see THIS on Gizmodo, IO9, and Kotaku? The science, nerd, and game sites?
I feel like the title of this article is pretty misleading.
Trying to drag Facebook into it now? Gawker, while I’m mostly indifferent to the court ruling with Hogan, this shit is getting out of hand. We get it, you are getting burned by someone who doesn’t like you because of a personal vendetta. Responding by trying to smear Thiel and everyone associated with him makes you…
They aren’t standing with him. They’re saying that what Directors do (legally), on their time and on their dime, is none of FB’s concern. That’s not a terribly novel position to take.
Look, I hate Schilling as much as the next guy, but if this happened to someone more likable that left the company like <I actually can’t think of anyone likable that left the company. Dan Patrick maybe?>, then you would be ripping ESPN to shreds for this instead of Schilling. They cut out what was arguably the most…
Hashtag campaign .... oh, holy shit. WTAF. Lazy activism.
Yes? she’s been a refugee advocate since she was young
i mean
See, this is the problem.
Cheating is between the two people in a relationship. They have to work that shit out. I’m not a part of it, no matter what I think of it.
Into something new and worse, absolutely
As a Philly resident who is pretty passionate about baseball and hockey, Hinkie had me interested in the Sixers. I have no interest whatsoever in watching a bunch of retreads and nepotistic dipshits flail aimlessly building a team that might earn the right to get anihilated in five days of the playoffs.