
Bona fides: *In my 40s. *Originally from M’waukee. *Mixed, but raised by maternal black family in black neighborhood. *Went to seriously white+$$$ schools from K-16, so can code switch with the best of ‘em.

ALWAYS gon give us something to cry about.

I took me about 15 minutes to even register the ‘fire, fury and fuck you’ part of what 45 said, because I replayed ‘bes not’ so many times, cracking up in my kitchen.

I detect no lies!! Also see- “Sitcho Ass Down Somewhere!”

The fact that you conflate consensual sex between (among, if that’s your thing) adults with porn says more about you than the site. And how is this “low-brow?” It’s actually useful advice about sex, which is something many of us enjoy without feeling guilty or dirty. Sex-positivity is a good thing!

I am a full-grown adult and I like her makeup~

Interesting. Kris picked the entire team behind the lipstick brand and I think it’s nice she’s pretending Kylie is slaving away in a corporate office every day perfecting the formulations 😂 Guys, it’s ok to admit she is the face of the brand and has a ruthless team that makes all the decisions. That’s still good

If it’s good makeup, it’s good makeup. I know people love to call the Kardashians no-talent, but that’s clearly not true. They are master marketers and have a keen understanding of the zeitgeist.

Minogue is the only Kylie. That is all.

“For example, with a threesome fantasy, you may be worried about freaking out when you see your partner penetrating another person.”

Also impressive: that the apology was actually worse than the original statement (which was bad enough).

I apologize for venting like a masagonistic faggot.

53% of white women voted for Trump and they will be devastated if affirmative action is dismantled. I don’t mean emotionally, I mean that they disproportionately benefit from AA.

I’ve accepted our fate. Why can’t you?

Not everything is about him, but I would make a safe bet that this, specifically, is about him. Talk about advertising your shitty boundaries.

Hey. A dude here. Listen to me: shut the fuck up. Go away. You make things harder for all of us here with this bullshit, men and women alike.

Don’t feed the troll. Some dickfuck who comes on a Chris Brown thread essentially saying not all men is looking for an argument. Don’t bother with the bottom feeder.

Right now you need boundaries.

You taking it a bit personal? Hit dogs holler the most.