
Well she doesn’t have Leonarda, Michaelangela, and Raphaela to back her up. Of course, they haven’t sung together since their performance at that reptile zoo in Japan when they were teenagers. The group splintered after that, and now their friendship is in shreds.

Sigh I have so many feelings over this. But it comes down to the fact that I still hate Bryan butt I hope she’s happy.

hehehe ‘bend the knee.’

ESPECIALLY because their portmanteau is Peen.

Now playing

Billie seems pretty grounded, and this has to be attributed to her father, who appears to have compensated for the excessive fabulousness (which can be exhausting) in the maternal line.

Uh, I’m a white dude, and I told my spouse during the show (probably one too many times) that Rachel was one of the most beautiful Bachelorettes I can remember, and she stood out during the Bachelor season, too.

Yo, crazytown, Rachel dated freaking Kevin Durant. I mean, where does she even go from there? I feel like the bigger issue is she is having a hard time finding someone to live up to him. But, she is beautiful, smart and successful. Not average. And, let’s all be honest here, for you it is about race, clearly.

I came pretty close, when I told an Ex “you are going to be so bored with whoever you end up with”

I initially read that as “she will be engaged in 2 years to a white woman”, and was surprised at such a specific bisexual prediction.

quite frankly it doesn’t seem like many men find rachel to be that good looking.

That proposal in hurricane conditions was ridiculously bad. Can’t ABC get something written into the contracts with these locations about finding an alternate site if the first preference is going to do neither the production nor the location any favors? I get the romance of the whole “top of a castle and bells start

I always thought Peter was playing her to become the Next bachelor, but after watching him knowing that this is three months out, I take it back.

In-laws are the worst!  My advice: marry an orphan only child

Def team Eric for Bachelor. No, no to Peter.

Instead of being annoyed with the finale, I will just look at this picture of the happy couple that I actually care about.

He would’ve strung her along. She chose for herself.

“Go find someone to have a mediocre life with.”is the sentence I will use in all future breakups from now on.

Eh, my best friend almost died having her only child. Her husband comes from a large family and still seems to think she’s going to change her mind and have more. They’ve been in this weird limbo for 2 years and it’s only getting worse. I can’t imagine what will happen when he finally realizes that she’s not joking,

The decision to have (or not have) a second child was harder for me than the first.

It likely just precipitated the separation and divorce. Like, if you’re already fantasizing about your Aniston-to-Jolie “upgrade” and your wife brings up another child you’re going to be like “uhhhhhh nooooo worrrrrrk” and she’s going to smell the bullshit and you’re going to get into a big long fight where everything