A+ on the comfortable and practical footwear.
A+ on the comfortable and practical footwear.
Wait. Werent “people” recently saying she gained weight or something?
I’d happily bend the knee...and stay down there for as long as she wants me to.
LOUD. They always want us to be LOUD.
God, when I was acting, I hated the “sassy Black” whatever description. It was constant. Apparently, no one has ever heard of a shyness, introversion, kookiness, nerdiness, or many other personality traits in Black women. Just “sassy,” “loud,” “takes no shit,” “doesn’t need a man,” etc.
Yeah, I did not read that as a cute, funny aside - which I’m sure is what Handler was going for. I read that as totally disrespectful. Like, the parts were always one-note and Chelsea Handler still only sees Neicy Nash as that one-note caricature of a black woman.
When you hear “Like who?” in an interview you take it as a leading question to continue the discussion.
“But by the way, you are that girl,”
I really appreciate that black women, like Niesh, call for other WOC’s stories to be told. White women usually don’t think about perspectives told through BW or NB-WOC but black women always speak about their own experiences as BW and also conscious of other WOC (non-BW)‘s stories to be heard.
Had she been something else it would have read Mrs. Green.
Police spokespeople always manage to sound like a Reddit post come to life.
12 hrs of questioning?! That should have been 12 minutes.
“Is this your residence?”
“Did this man threaten you?”
“Do you legally own the firearm?”
“So, you think the Falcons gonna be good this year?”
It never left. Get ya roll on.
Don’t know if a grocery store near you has a salad bar, but that’s a great way to get a small quantity of veggies pretty cheaply. And bonus (for me, at least) when they’re already washed and chopped as in the case of celery.
You do cook with blue apron. You just don’t shop. If I could justify the expense I’d totally use it. But I have to go to the grocery store like a peasant.
My cousin and his wife use Blue Apron fairly frequently. Of course, he is an ER physician and she is a general surgeon (both in NYC), so the last thing they want to do with the little time that they have off of work and together is go grocery shopping.
Also, I’m pretty sure that Blue Apron costs less per person than…
I would hate to be a celebrity and have everyone constantly deciding that I was pregnant because I ate dinner.
I have stomach issues that sometimes lead to big time gas bloating (ew, TMI, I know) and can go from having a relatively flat stomach to looking 5 months pregnant over the course of a couple of hours. I would HATE being famous and having people speculating about my body.