
Great read! I use the Pegasus because it just appears no matter where you are so it just made sense to me.130 hours and all question marks completed. Just some side-quests and the last dlc segment left. I gotta say this game has been phenomenal. I try to tell people its like if Mass Effect was a demigod sim.

Maybe i dont see the big deal here, are people so promised to steam that you cant just get it through Epic? Sure you could argue ‘shady practices’ but thats capitalism for you. competitiveness drives ambition. I have GoG Steam and Epic, and no problems here.

Im going to wait a year to see how this one pans out. I have a feeling it will be much like Destiny (which i am a double-day-one player fanboy)where as Vanilla will be fun and garter fans, but after a few tweaks and Content updates, it will be a massive behemoth of well constructed content knowing exactly what it is.

At first i hated it, now im in love with it and i LOVE my new guardians look. Im grateful they did it actually, it changed the way i play the game for the better.

That being said, masterwork cores are TOO rare. I can upgrade maybe two items a day? My fire-team doesn’t even have to ask anymore to jump to The Tangled

I feel this was one of the more underrated games of the past few years. I find myself replaying it a few times a year and always having a blast. I agree, except i find the eastward way a bit more moving to me.

The north however has that wonderful track “The Winding Ridge” which induces such awe when seeing those giants

Have you tried beating it on new game plus first?? i havnt been able to beat it without dying, but i have come really close after a NG+, it changes the way you think about the game, its worth it :-)

They hit such a sweet spot. A great live show to boot.

Good choice! they deserve the love! Album suits a mood. Its quite good, not what i was expecting from them. Certainly a summery listen. Common Dreads still tops the list for me from them.

Marathon. We used to get these “Inside Mac Games” discs filled with Freeware and Shareware. I would play the Marathon demos with my heart pounding. With the darkness and the alien noises. I was scared to my wits.

Also some Descent and Hexxen, gave me the geebies. Marathon was potent though.

They are constantly impressive. Great pick.

Having beaten the game multiple times, i can say that i feel my $20 value for two dlcs is justified. If that helps anyone decide, than yay.

I’ve got a few; Transistor, Fez, Oxenfree, No Mans Sky....Hyper Light Drifter is on the way soon...i think. Anyway they’re all worth it of course depending on your value of the music and physical presentation. Also on your sound system. Very happy that its becoming a thing again.

Forging a new ring? I should finish the first one....but i’m sensing this is a bad idea, and i do not support it. Also i hope this doesn’t turn into a...well.... “Forrest Gump” of LotR.

Im more worried about the implications of “forging anther ring” seems very...against the morals of the books.


Most nintendo systems have the right button mapped to “accept”

Sure some things take a little getting used to by breaking down some muscle memory, but nothing came close to infuriating me. Its like my buddy despised Nioh because the control scheme isnt like Dark Souls. Once he got used to it? no big deal. I did have the chocobo issue, but only because i re-mapped the control

Same thing happened to me!!!!! Clipped the canyon on the takeoff. im such a fool for not saving!!! got a day off tomorrow gonna do it when i wake up again. For now, a few sidequests on the way to bed...

Youre not alone obviously, we are fools alike.

crashed the Regalia after getting out negating all the work i just did.

Oh man im 4 hours in and MAN is this a rough time. Lots of fun, major props to the twisted bastard that conceived this

Geeking out so hard right now! Jade Falcon!