
Sure, not denying it’s ease of use or convenience as we have Powerblocks, a LifeFitness treadmill and tons of Beachbody/Shaun T/P90X HIIT discs we use religiously. But it does get old after awhile, esp. after taking an Aruba trip recently where the gym was fully redone with all new equipment and my wife loved using

Sure, not denying it’s ease of use or convenience as we have Powerblocks, a LifeFitness treadmill and tons of


Are you a Scientologist, a sex pest, or both?

I don’t know why everyone gets down on Fleming. I mean, just re-read “Casino Royale.” Just because Bond uses the phrase “sweet tang of rape...” everyone gets all judgey about it...

“James Bond is a code name!” is the most persistent, annoying fan theory around. Everyone thinks they’re super clever for coming up with it or latching on to it, and when presented with direct evidence that there’s a clear line of continuity from actor to actor all playing the same character they reply with “I think

Yeah, his martini is pretty bad. The other drink he likes though — double bourbon on the rocks — is killer.

Drink heavily, got it.

Hell, Roger Moore’s first outing starts at the graveyard where his wife is buried. He married Diana Rigg’s character in George Lazenby’s movie. No, I get that it logically follows Bond is the same guy.

Ever try that hot/cold shower thing? Yeah, don’t.

The biggest problem with Craig Bond is that at some point, you just gotta let the formula do the formula thing. Tinkering around on the margins is fine, but we really don’t need to know every scrap of Bond’s backstory.

“We’re actually making a totally different film with a lot of the same, similar like things that we love, but it’s its own movie completely, so it’s not ‘two’ to us. It’s an entirely new adventure together that we couldn’t be luckier [to do].”

Brick and Mortar lets you see how shitty it is to work in retail. Amazon just hides how shitty it is to work for them in the Warehouses.

...or if it’s just a flashy set of numbers to wow people who still own 1080p sets from 2008.

For the longest time it was just small presses like Kitchen Sink and Fantagraphics, though after Spiegelman you started seeing more upscale releases from big publishers (even if they didn’t really seem to understand how to market those books at first). TCJ was probably more instrumental in my intellectual development

Done and DONE.

I believe the tone of the article is that “Tony” is a “John” and the “first date” was a “girlfriend experience” gone horribly, horribly awry.

I was a meth user for quite some time and thank GOD I never picked at my face. I know that sounds shallow but man, that screams meth like no other.

‘Jurassic Park 3' had the right idea. We need to bring those dinosaurs onto mainland, and have them cause havoc in a major city (or three). I’m tired of seeing them run around that island. I have zero interested in ‘Fallen Kingdom’, because it doesn’t appear to show me anything I haven’t seen before. The “bigger and

I am so mad I didn't live near her.

Yup my favourite revenge story was the lady of the local manor who raided her husband's multimillion pound wine cellar and left bottles on all the villagers doorsteps. That my friends is class.

I was expecting something other than a series of blurry photos.

The author REALLY built up this Cassy chick as having found the most clever way to find out about and bust a cheater. all she did was box up the obvious evidence...Big let down for sure... I expected multiple forms of shame thrown upon him...