
Yeah, you tell 'em!

Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.

I'm almost falling out of my seat laughing at the slowed down pterodactyl cry.

Didn't take long for the candy bar truthers to arrive

See, this sort of thing gets wrestlers killed. First, you suplex from your sphincter, not from your back. That's a good way to screw up your spine. Secondly, the suplexee doesn't take a bump worth a damn. I mean, going at this stiff is a recipe for a broken neck. Third, unless this was a finisher, the twist is too

Its not painful, it's beautiful. My only hope is that Joe Buck gets ebola.

Perfectly acceptable engineering, right there. That car is the 1965 Corvair suspension test mule.

Now playing

I'd like to point out that the Power Racing Series will be racing at the Detroit Maker Faire at the Henry Ford Museum this coming weekend. Though I'm a bit biased being the founder of the league, our season is shaping up to be one of the most competitive yet. The current points standings are incredibly tight with less

God damnit, Torch. I love you. No homo.

Speak for yourself.

Damn ninjas sneaking around and throwing dirt in my eyes.

If only there was some kind of thing with wheels that could be bolted to the back of supertorquey drag racers like this that would limit how much front lift they achieve off the line so that things like this can be avoided. If only.

On your marks,

I'm slowly warming up to electric racing, and stuff like this is why. All that torque is instantly available from the get-go. Torque for daaaayyyys!

Pretty sure it's the straps to the harness.

That has got to be the most desperate hide-the-boner-hunch-maneuver in the history of awkward boners. My 13 year old self getting the aggression boner in middle school gym shorts doing pull ups finds that embarrassing.

I'm guessing the majority are from America.

The 2nd Portugal goal was brilliant. Fluke my ass.

That 2nd goal was no fluke. That was an incredible play. Fuckin' Bradley.