I love how all anyone talks about is how this isn’t feasible despite the fact China did it hundreds of years ago
I love how all anyone talks about is how this isn’t feasible despite the fact China did it hundreds of years ago
No Dark Souls 3? Kinda hard to take this list seriously with such a glaring omission.
White men need to stop being so good at everything so that other people have a shot.
I hope he sues and wins
Imagine what these shitheads must have been doing to piss her off that much...
Any Dem not named Clinton would have won the election.
Idk you, but I probably don’t like you either.
We decided to stand up :)
This nation would be better off without you and your ilk.
HRC is the most untrustworthy presidential candidate of all time.
Do people really think that its impossible that Clinton would try anything to help her win after what happened during the Democratic primaries?
Any word on if the handheld is 1080p?
You’re so clever.
That last paragraph makes her sound like a bitch....
So people should just pretend that there aren’t higher crime rates in larger than normal African American populations? Or pretend that the correlation is irrelevant?
BLM is as bad as ISIS
Maybe if Clinton wasn’t so awful, people wouldn’t have to regrettably vote Trump.
Except scorpio is their PS4 Pro
She’s just pandering to feminists for money
I hope he wins and I hope everyone who’s threatened to leave go through with it. It would be the strongest our country has been in decades.