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    How many times has Jordan gotten bounced in the first round?

    Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean I’m going to try and have it taken away from the people who do...

    Breaking news: man is product of his era.

    A key that opens many different locks is an impressive key. A lock that opens for many different keys is a bad lock.

    This is a good thing.

    It’s fine. Better than I expected considering the lack of calories.

    Idk why they would talk shit to women, everyone that plays Overwatch is a woman.

    This TV is a game changer. All the premium features a gamer would want at an affordable price.

    You sound like a lousy kid. I’m sure your parents love how you perceive them.

    N word*

    The Next word has been said somewhere in the stadium at every MLB game in America for the last 70 years.

    That’s some psychopath shit...

    This sounds like he’s reminding you that stereotypes exist for a reason.

    Omg! A gamer that doesn’t contribute to the liberal echo chamber! Good for him!

    I’d be pissed if I had to take a 45 minute bus ride when there’s a school right in my neighborhood.

    He clearly said he’s not anti semetic.

    I hope whatever trait in your DNA that makes you such a buzz kill is recessive.

    You sound fun...

    This pisses me off

    Well let’s pay for all the transgendered people who aren’t locked up but can’t afford the survey before we worry about making life better for this piece of human garbage.