Iowan here. This man’s story is not shocking. The amount of cuts that Reynolds and her predecessor my parents so lovingly termed “Braindead” inflicted on healthcare and everything else are devastating. These companies have done nothing but harm those in their care. Braindead slashed the number of psychiatric beds in…
Maybe it’s not “your” game.
The employees want free water?!?!?!?
Most “purchases” now days are just very long term rentals. When they decide to shut down the download or game servers say goodbye to playing YOUR game.
Wouldn’t that just make them MORE thirsty?
Sounds like they need to change their name to PaulRyanair
American Buddhism seems to be about profiteering to me. I can’t stand the white linen, new agey feel they’ve draped all over it
Or their 7 bedroom mansion that they’re looking at on House Hunters?
Deeply, profoundly troubling situation for anyone who cares about the rights and health of women and the future of American Buddhism. Very grateful that Jezebel had the courage to investigate and publish this piece, and I hope it emboldens the survivors—of which there are way too many— to tell their stories, which…
I didn’t know Buddhism and meditation were female dominated. Did we just read the same article? What does this have to do with yoga or female dominated spaces? This guy founded all these groups and there was never anything gender specific about them.
Always Kobe flinching truthers...
From now on anytime a young writer tells me they want to tackle a cookbook, I’ll just link to this comment.
Cookbooks are fucking hard. They just are. You spend years, if you’re worth a damn, putting your soul into them. The editing feels like a daily root canal. You test, you re-test, you re-test the re-tests. Then comes the photography, which usually ends up looking nothing like what the author had in mind (unless the…
There’s a HUGE part of this story you’re missing - a lot of this is simple partisan politics. The House of Delegates is Republican controlled. The Governor who is a Democrat, no wait, the wind is blowing from the east so I think he’s a Republican this week.... gets to appoint the justices until November (1 guess which…
It’s important that B&N stays in business. It’s a cornerstone of the publishing world and, for many people, the only local bookstore. IMO there can never be too many books whether it’s indie stores or B&N - just not Amazon. They are destroying retail.
Karma’s a bitch!!! That said I still miss Borders, they were so much better than Barnes and Noble. And fucking Books-A-Million has adapted by carrying 5000 Pop Vinyl figures yet I can’t find a single book I want unless it’s the newest YA series. I stopped by on my way home for something because I wanted to pick up…