
This segment was pretty sawft.

Oh shit, world building is hard? I had no fucking idea! For the past eight years, I’ve been working on my own fictional universe, and all this time, I thought I was just bad at world building, but as it turns out, it’s just really hard! Holy shit!

I didn’t watch it because I assumed that the gamer slang would be in full effect. I might need to pull up the vod now.

Thus goes the game market.

That’s some strong dick science there, matey.

I wonder if Ubisoft’s press conference is being written by a fourteen-year-old-who-just-watched-Austin-Powers-for-the-first-time again.

I miss when TF2 was new, and their voice actors had this much fun.

Hopefully, Thquare Enikth leth playerth thave Aerith ath well.

It’s usually Persona related.

We need the follow-up about the priapism achieved while watching Batman and Superman compare their mother’s names.

Where does Reince Priebus rank?

I think those people in the piggy dungeon were begging for something, though.

Quick, go on Google Images and search for “<your first name> the hedgehog”. I promise you’ll regret it.

This is, of course, why there are multiple instances of Mew2King lightly beating Mang0 about the head.

Of course, there is no trash talk like the unspoken trash talk of winning and proving your opponent truly is trash.

The main problem with Magic vs new hotness like Hearthstone is that you can’t patch Magic. In fact, since sets get finalized months, if not over a year before printing, they have to try and predict problems. There’s no way to emergency print Hungry Crabs.

Oh shit, are we going to get Patricia Arquette involved?

Avada kedavra indeed.

It’s a dilapidated house!