
Was this better than his part in Moana? I’m not sure.

If you ignore Shia Labeof, then sure.

Long, grating satire is still long and grating.

Arguing on the internet gets both of us nowhere. I’m glad that you are taking such a strong stance against an international company, and making sure that a random whacko online knows it. But I’m out. If you want to see this as a victory via concession, fine. It’s no skin off my back. Have fun being mad and happy.

To quote Tonto, “Who’s we, white man?” I’ve been trawling this site for years, and I haven’t seen bupkiss. Googling found less than one instance a year, some of which are not verified.

Whether or not you personally believe that, it’s the perception, and that’s what counts. Do you really think that phone companies weren’t able to listen to calls or read text messages before the government got involved?

During my Best Buy tenure, I heard several horror stories of finding child porn and turning it in. But part of the job was never seeking out data. That’s part of what makes the average customer happy to choose a place like Geek Squad: decades of proving that Geek Squad can be trusted with their personal information.

You’re not wrong, but that would be The Worst Thing.

I...I have spent so long on the internet that I no longer can tell if you’re being serious or sarcastic, and assuming one way or the other could make me look like a toolbox.

Well, geez, I thought the mercy rule stopped applying after, I dunno, sixth grade? Maybe seventh if you’re in one of those hand-holdy type of towns? Then again, this is Washington we’re talking about.

You can respond to a legal threat with, “What? Uh, no we’re not. S-stop it.”

Back in the day, “fake news” was just called “being wrong.”

This is like getting penalized by the IRS because you didn’t actually write 0's on the boxes where you don’t have anything to report, and then being penalized again for signing your name because the tax return you thought you filed correctly wasn’t filed correctly.

He’s not outright loathed in the same way that Superman John Cena wasn’t outright loathed. The kids love Roman Reigns, and the kids loved John Cena. It’s the marks and smarks that don’t like him.

To be fair, he did better at Wrestlemania than Snooki did.


LRR, in fact, has a successful Patreon and produces live-stream content for Wizards of the Coast. Granted, there are less videos of a guy nutting himself with nunchuks and tripping on a skateboard (that get shown on multiple Late Shows), but I think the content has overall improved over the years.

If you can handle more in-jokes and deep cut references than your body has room for, the LoadingReadyRun Autumnal Rumble is a treat. They ran the Autumnal Rumble 2 recently, a nearly 3-hour “PPV” “event”.

I’m not sure Magic: the Gathering skills transfer well to the NHL, but good on Reid Duke to expand his horizons.