
Benidict Cumberbatch. Hey, someone has to have the correct pronunciation, and it sure can’t be Bucket Crunderdunder.

I mean, props to Anonymous for hopping on board, but do they realize that, for the first time (I think), they have declared Internet War on a group that practices Actual War? I’m all for dicking with terrorists, but I hope that the terrorists don’t get mad about it and figure out where any Anonymous people are and

Sir. SIR. It is an African-American mark. Sir.

How do you know how I order Chipotle?

In case you thought that everyone knows how to Chipotle, have a picture of President Obama not knowing how Chipotle works.

Harsh, but fair.

I don’t like Yu-gi-oh as a card game, and the anime was a little weird in places, but could you imagine VR or AR card games where you actually see your monsters and spells? I’d play that.

But later, Tebow showed him the True Way of the Lord.

I still vote that the best movie quote tweet belongs to Frank Furter. 5 year punchline.

Well, when I go to 3D Modeling class tomorrow and the teacher talks about maintaining proper body proportions, I will now have firm context. Holy shit.

Hey! I’ll have you know that 279 pounds of cheese wheels came in very handy when I got to the side quest where you have to defeat the wizard who invades your house in Whiterun. He kept on referring to it as “Cheesehome”. If you don’t have at least 250 pounds of cheese, then you don’t get the special dialogue option

So what, it had the US flag in the picture and the calendar man said, “Oh hey, that’s the ‘Merican flag there, that is. I reckon that mean it’s the place where those Washington folks play.”

My sides reached orbit at “first generation Fat-Lesbian”. I only hope that one day, I too will be able to find someone who will stare down assholes while I dance to songs from the 70s.

Meanwhile, Brett Favre’s ears are burning and he doesn’t know why.

Hey, I would totally watch Mr. Freeze in a Nolan Batman.

Shenmue 3 Kickstarter at E3.

Thankfully, this is the kind of game where you can make balance tweaks instead of balance craters. Magic: the Gathering gets balance problems every once in a while, but only rarely do the problems get so bad that the devs get involved (most recently, two cards were banned from Standard (only using newer card) decks,

Yes. Your browser history. And no one else’s.

Woodstock is giving me some Five Nights at Freddy’s PTSD.