
Neither. It’s SohCahToa. Sounds like somebody went to Stanford.

I haven’t seen this show yet, but based on your description on vampire less-than-sexy-time assault, I am reminded (unfortunately) of why I stopped watching True Blood after only a few episodes:

If this is anything like watching the documentary Supersize Me while eating McDonalds (which I did), then those astronauts are going to be feeling more than a little uncomfortable.

I used to read books on my bed. I really liked books. I was not the kind of 4-year-old that could be arsed to stop doing a thing that he liked doing. For instance, if I had to go to the bathroom, the little hamster-wheel brain that 4-year-olds (and some adults) have crunched the numbers and made the critical analysis

Gestapo Soup? Wow, I did nazi that coming.

“Those faces don’t seem all that weird.”

God is a big football fan. What other reason would there be for Tim Tebow still being in the football news after all this time?

You blow and shouldn’t be called a moba.

I imagine saying “Hey Siri” to your phone just ends up making you look like the theme song to “Hey Arnold.”

Yawn-o-rama. Call me back when a man from Minnesota shoots something exotic, like a lion.

The jig is up, Riddler!

Meh. Until they run a scavenger hunt on the level of Potato Fool’s Day, Valve shall remain the king of sneaking cool shit into their games.

Every religion has stories like this. Zeus turned into a swan and impregnated a lady (actually, Zeus did a lot of shit, but that’s the first one I thought of. Zeus was into some weird porn). Baldur, who was a giant wuss, was tricked into murdering the gods’ favorite. They are included because we want our gods to be

As long as I can play as a character who gave themselves a nice rack because he/she could because robots, then I don’t care.

Canifest Destiny is going strong once again.

Well, we know that players aren’t going to disarm by themselves. I seem to remember someone saying, “War. War never changes.”

I thought the sad fact was that the Jaguars were still a team.

You didn’t have to zoom in on him, camera guy. You’re the real villain here.

OK, nerds and geeks of the world, we did this wrong. If we’re going to be testing the school systems and justice systems from within, we can’t start with something like this. We need a control group.

This just in: Mark Cuban’s ego boner is polling better than Donald Trump. He’s been usurped.