
I might sound awful, but I thought it was a little forced. Her dying is such a heavy thing for them to come to terms with. I don't think a phone call was totally adequate in conveying that grief.

I honestly don't mind the rape scene. It feels like the first organic plot evolution in the post Book 4 Game of Thrones era. All the other Starks are dead or in purgatory. So its nice to see Sansa in a position where she might get some revenge, or seize some power—-even if its a grisly process getting there.

I thought that last episode for the same reason. But now its like Tryion really is going to spend like 10 episodes not interacting with Dany. And Sansa is going to be waiting till the season finale for Stanis and Lord Ramsay to have it out. And King's Landing will likely be omitted from many episodes going foward.

If I were Betty I'd be bangin college boys left and right!

Honestly, BORING episode. Martin's crappy plotting in books 4+5 is starting to seep through the shows' writers' best efforts.

Totes. It was palpable sexual tension. He was all "Anything else I can do for you" wink wink.

I'm hoping next week Joan will return to McCann-Erikson and just start choke slamming fools left and right.

That's why I don't buy into don totally abandoning his fortune. It seems like there has to be a final resolution with his job and retirement.

Don and Andy are HOT. Man I can't be the only one hoping that would be Dons last affair of the series. When he pushes him onto the bed I was like meeeeeoww.

Whether or not you can justify the scenario in this episode, shouldn't a being beaten and essentially made into a child cause Claire to suspend her feelings of romance for Jamie? Are we excusing domestic violence, or is Claire becoming a deluded spouse with Stockholm syndrome? When is Claire going to start plotting a

The story is based on time travel. Anachronism is central to the scenario!

It is so amazing to me how modern sexists have adopted "prudishness" as a justification for sexual assault and objectification. I feel like internet forums are ironically suspended in the 1950s or something. I just don't get it.

Claire's entire kidnapping in the first place was a stupid plot development. The series is continually inventing new ways for her to become a damsel, instead of developing the core mystery of the plot (i.e. time travel, ancient Socttish magic). This is why the first half of the season got so bad towards the second

More to the point, her getting kidnapped with her hands literally inches away from the stone is utterly contrived bullshit. The story IS supposed to be Claire's predicament of time travel, and returning to the stone is CENTRAL to that.

"How things were" is one point, but this show continuously puts Claire into damsel positions to be saved by Jamie. It is getting old. And in the meantime there is NO plot development regarding the core issue of the show, which is that she was transported back in time magically. To me the spanking scene is just

If I were Claire I would have slit Jamie's throat that night, stolen his horse and left.

It would have been better if there was an actual plot to the episode, and not just a random flashback with no context.

I totally agree.  I love Patricia as a person.  That moment where her kids visited her in the work room was one of the most heart warming and hilarious moments I've ever seen on the show.  And a few of her pieces were great.  But there was a lot of hot mess in there too.  She didn't demonstrate any tailoring ability

my only issue with michelle is that she repeated the weird like middle flap bulging hemline like 5 times.  not sure i get the nina hate though.  i mean, fashion is kind of commercial in its essence.  i don't think what's flattering and artistic vision are incompatible.  she had a concern over patricia's silhouettes

kind of disappointing by your negative attitude towards this season.  I basically gave up on the show after anya's win, but i really enjoy this season overall.  the team challenges were actually refreshing.  i felt they promoted the designers' talent, and pushed a lot of the reality show bs into the background.