Also for running people in small cars off the road when you decide to turn right across a solid white line. Not that that EVER happened to me... multiple times...
Also for running people in small cars off the road when you decide to turn right across a solid white line. Not that that EVER happened to me... multiple times...
He never stops grinding, he actually dug that hole with his skechers waiting for the all clear.
If you are going to go for a look, go for one you can achieve.
Because what did they mean by “of”?! Exactly. Checkmate, atheists.
Color is a social construct
I had pizza last night. We’re going to see a movie tonight at Alamo Drafthouse and I’ll probably have pizza again, because come on... pizza.
I just LOVE watching videos that are posted to Instagram! I get to see the video in a pre-determined, small size with a ton of white wasted space around the page. I get to hear the audio at full volume with no choice but to revel in all the potentially ear-bleeding glory. I don’t get bothered by a progress bar /…
Big year for this dude. Roseanne goes back on the air and now this
No, just no. Not even funny.
Oooh, colonial burn. Nice.
That’s an icy hot take.
The attackers ultimately left Gwala for unknown reasons...
Not really we can still make fun of people who buy flappy paddles and call them sissys
“Hey everyone, I’m going to tear this human in half with my bear hands. Send me videos of you trying to tear humans in half too! God bless you all.” - Bear
Sitting on the couch with my wife one night, I see Slapshot on. My wife tells me she has never seen it. I spend the next five minutes telling her it is one of the best, funniest, all time great movies. Paul Newman stars in it!!! To this day, she still doesn’t look at me the same. I guess it is more of a man movie.
Ooh, can you do Mid-Life next? I need some pointers.
I like to imagine that Sweden and Finland are filled with nothing but gorgeous blonde women and dudes in corpse paint wearing knee-high platform boots who walk around headbanging everywhere.
what did knees ever do to you?