
morman triangle or just cheating?

Now I have a work boner.

He was on the original US TG pilot with adam carolla and tanner Faust.

Mx3 maybe? I’m pretty sure the kf wasnt.

Not enough creepy dolls

IIRC The K8DE and KFZE was only sold in JDM Aus DM and NZ DM markets.

lol. I’m allergic so that applies to me as well.

(+ and -) one cat.

Brake pads are probably worse for your health. As are the nano particles of metal that fly off of cats and get lodged in our brains.

Fuck that. Put a suit on a hanger in your office.

I like the Iris unlock on the s8. I can blearily open one eye at it in the morning instead of doing a whole face shot or typing in my pass code.

Yeah it is weird the disparity in the baseball universe. The bat technology difference is also wild.

I like the idea that pitchers are athletes and should be able to hit. As a cards fan it makes me laugh when Waino hits his 2-3 HR each year. I’ll concede that the DH helps keep aging, well loved players in the league.

BOOOOO. Bad take. Bad. Remove the DH league wide.

Now I’m hungry

Best part of rodeo is mutton bustin.

I’m that asshole. No cats. And I run a catch can.

It depends on the car. New BMWs run 245-250 degree oil temps before the cooler turns on. It could be a wide open highway at 30F and I get 245F oil.

So does RP HPS and Motul 8100

If you change your oil every 3k miles its not going to matter much. If you over speed your turbos and don’t warm your oil up properly you will have problems with cheap oil as it breaks down. Pop your valve cover and take a look at the shit that Pennzoil does to your cams and springs: yellow glaze and varnish.