
This is my winner for the year.

I don't think everyone needs their own movie. I get that Marvel wants to pump these things out so they can make an Avengers movie, but I don't think it's necessary.

@merc-ai: If you feel like you're not doing something you want, you should set limits for yourself.

@Novasys: My thumb never left the thumbstick. I would use my left hand for any other button.

@mrClint: At this point, I'll settle for the Start menu. My pre-ordered copy from Amazon *still* hasn't arrived.

@merc-ai: Meh. If it's what you enjoy doing, it's no different than reading for fun or knitting scarves in your free time.

@Novasys: I think everyone had a different way of holding that controller.

@214w: Normally, I'd agree with you, but yesterday I fought crime with Hulk Hogan and it was awesome.

@excaliburps: I'm still on the fence about the monthly fee. The game comes with a free month of play, so I figured even if I don't keep going, I still only paid regular price for a game that lasted me 30 days.

@Kamalisk: Yeah, when I first started I was getting mad about people stealing my kills, but then I realized I was still getting credit for them. Awesome sharing system.

@chickdigger802: I'm on the PS3, and the only problem I've had with the menu is some lag, but that usually only occurs when there are tons of people around me.

I think as long as you are assisting, it doesn't matter who actually kills the guy. I've had lots of quests with other people around, and I've found that as long as I'm wailing on the guy or whatever, I'll still get credit even if someone else makes the arrest.

The only one who could pull it off right now is Nintendo releasing a "Wii 2" which will be basically the same thing with HD. For Sony and Microsoft, there's no point right now.

That was pretty good. Not super hilarious, but the character animations helped a lot.

@DrakeDatsun: I remember my little sister watching the Lizzie McGuire show. I think that's why it makes me feel so old. She was like a child.

I just read that Hillary Duff is pregnant.

So I recently started playing Madden 11. I'd never really been into the Madden games, but I got it for $20 so I figured I'd give it a go.

I didn't notice anything in the liveblog about battery life. Do we have any confirmed numbers yet? Both in and out of 3D mode?


I'm pretty sure "Face Raiders" is the name of a porno.