
Is it really called “imperial entanglements”? That’s awesome. And it’s totally what it feels like, when you think about the guilt...

How is it possible that some of these kids actually believe they did’t get any help? My parents paid my college tuition, helped with my rent for years, always paid for plane trips home and until a few years ago gave thousand-dollar christmas cheques. I have never once thought this was normal - my friends were in all

I’m a little surprised not to see any mention of otherkin in this article. I think you got off easy.

I definitely think the internet has opened up an avenue for people to live out lies they couldn’t otherwise do. I’d say fantasy lives, but that seems harmless, and outright scamming people for emotions or even money for children that don’t exist is not harmless. Still better than physically harming your actual child,

There are definitely more cases of people making up fictitious sick children to get attention/money from the internet.

I’m sure lots of people who abuse their kids have other issues - rage issues, alcoholism, depression, etc - doesn’t excuse it of course. This is just a uniquely fucked up way to harm children.

Mental illness is not a free pass. And even if someone’s mental illness means they can’t be held morally accountable for certain actions (I have a mental illness but it doesn’t make me harm other people), preventing them from doing it again is still necessary. A mentally ill and dangerous person locked up in a psych

The fact that they want attention SO MUCH that they’d HARM their CHILD is what makes it a mental disorder.

In my last city, the shelter I volunteered with didn’t adopt black cats or dogs in October (but did do a promotion for black cats and dogs another time of year) because of this. It wasn’t because they actually thought Satanists would hurt the animals though. There were a few spates of serial cat and dog killers over

The nuns are married to Jesus!!

To be fair, that’s pretty much the entire Catholic viewpoint. She took in dying people and prayed over them, but didn’t give them material comfort even though she was raking in donations to do so, because the more they suffered, the more likely they would go to heaven.

He used IVF instead of adopting unwanted children.

But I thought abortion was bad.

Out of curiosity, what did he happen to say to the non-existent young men?

Save yourselves!!

Would she prefer that 10 year olds get pregnant??

They didn’t have “fast” fashion thing - clothes lasted longer.

I’ve been waiting for the local stores to have a blowout sale FOREVER now.

Maybe it’s just me, but I would assume the topic of kids would come up before they decided to cohabit, especially with one person moving to another country. Even in a “I definitely want/do no want” to have children one day way. If he knew she definitely wanted kids and never told her about this, that’s kind of

Transmen have a clitoris to work with, whereas I believe this man is lacking the fun nerve endings and erectile tissue that would make his penis as sensitive and functional as a trans guy’s penis. :(