Bryce Lee Wynn

Well that's no fun. I get that you're a critic but that must suck having to suffer through episodes of something you're obviously not enjoying. Well from those of us who aren't critics, I am enjoying this show, much in the same way I enjoyed Scream Queens. If I want something more complex, I go over to Netflix. But

So … how come Queenie didn't use any of her other powers. She could have used telekinesis, transmutation or concillium to fight off Ramona but she only stuck to her basic witch power. Do those powers go away once the real Supreme achieves supremacy?

Let's also remember that witches seem to operate under a different after-life setup. It is my belief that Queenie is now handing out fried chicken in Hell.

This season has been great. I really feel like they got back to their roots. Part of what is scary about this show is that usually the characters are confined to one environment. In S1 it was the Murder House. In S2 it was the asylum. S3 and S4 were spread out over New Orleans and Jupiter, FL, respectively. Now we are

This is a pretty weird thing to say considering these actors sign up repeatedly to work on this show. So if they are really too good for the material, why punish yourself season after season. I mean who would really want to suffer for those Emmy nominations?

He's most likely with his father. Will Drake is still technically in the hotel so I don't see it as a loose end.

In all fairness, Paulson has been working on American Crime Story and Bassett was working on Chi-Raq.

Janet!? Are you effin serious! That is so awesome! This is what I love about this show. Like having Patti LaBelle as the Motts' housekeeper last season.

It's funny because for the past two seasons people have complained that the stories, i.e. Coven and Freak Show, were too fast-paced and now they are actually taking time to tell the story and people say they are bored. I am so into this season because of the story-telling. I love how all the characters have been

After being entombed for over eighty years, I'm quite sure he was much more concerned with escaping than perfecting his smoky eye, lol. But I get what you mean. It would make him look less like Tristan and More like Valentino.

Did anyone notice that Number 3 wasn't wearing earmuffs in the flashback?

This episode was so rich and gorgeous.

But that's a lot of people talked back then.

I am so sorry. I was actually addressing another commenter, Seabreeze. I thought you had valid points. This thread is kind of confusing. I think I replied to the overall post instead of the commenter.

I would have to humbly disagree. Yes - admittedly the romance between Liz and Tristan seemed out of nowhere but that scene had some of the most beautifully-written dialogue I have seen on this show. It reminded me of what this show does best - takes two characters from opposite ends of the spectrum and does something

I always find it amusing and interesting whenever I read comments about a show where the commenter openly admits they do not watch the show. I'm like - well why are you here? I'm not commenting on Vampire Diaries because - I am not watching Vampire Diaries.

You guys - the measles virus is still in the kid. When he passed on his blood to them - he transferred on two virus: the vampirism and the measles. That is why the kids all had spots.

"We all know reveal in French means take the shit off!" - Bianca Del Rio