
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. In basically every movie, Leonardo Dicaprio always just comes across as the best actor in a high school theatre production. Which is to say, he’s not *bad.* He’s always just, like, Leonardo Dicaprio in a costume and talking in his “acting” voice.

I’ve seen her in my dreams. She was my teenage celebrity crush. I still haven't moved on.

Rollin’ With the Homies or bust.

Shit, sometimes you just can’t write reality better than reality.

The 1980s glamour shot for fake doctors?

So it’s pretty obvious from the new evidence in the linked article (i.e the undarkened photos) that this was indeed an honest mistake. It seems like maybe the title of this article should be reworded. Unless you meant it to be clickbait...ohhhh.

Well, yeah, obviously in this situation I wouldn’t just ice out my own sibling. (I don’t have a brother, but two sisters.) But that doesn’t address the primary issue here — it sounds like these two siblings do use email to communicate more personally, and it is weird for a spouse to insert themselves in that

The letter writer puts this issue in the proper perspective, for me.

I was explaining the whole Wiz/Kanye/Amber/Blac Chyna/Rob/Khloe/Kim thing to my wife yesterday and said it seemed like something out of Shakespeare. She responded, “No, because Shakespeare can be followed. This is a Russian novel.”

As someone who has suffered from depression (and anxiety, and OCD) since she was a young teenager (almost 2/3rds of my life now. Oi.) depression (and anxiety and OCD) are really hard to truly explain to people who THINK they know what these mental health issues are. (“I like to eat only orange jelly beans! OCD! HA HA

Wow, thanks for this. Nobody talks about this, and if your depression can take these more outwardly unpleasant forms, it can be extremely isolating.

This is a very socially acceptable vision of depression. What it totally misses however is that depression has many unpleasant faces. I’m not just talking about the lack of personal hygiene which can become unbearable. It can look like crankiness, impatience, intolerance, lack of empathy. Half the people may cry and