Why are people who claim to be moderate constantly trying to ram this walking gaffe down our throats?
Why are people who claim to be moderate constantly trying to ram this walking gaffe down our throats?
Can we please stop the trope of ‘I’ve never seen this thing but I’m going to write about it” Ignorance is not instructive or charming. Informed opinions are.
I love Professor Bhaer, and Laurie was an entitled douche. I SAID IT.
This is officially my most embarrassing geographical error!
Well that’s close-minded! She was German-American, and it was (quite famously, mind you) pronounced “Mar-Lay-Nah,” crabby.
Imagine gassing yourself up to vote for this guy in a primary.
Rand Paul.
Are invites to the Tonight Show a pound of flesh?
I see that Dershowitz and Rudy Giuliani share the same dentist
Or we could just believe the multiple victims.
These parents turned their crotch-fruit into weaponized trolls by sending them to Washington in these hats specifically to make a scene like this.
What the fuck did that cat eat?
Good lord, if I did that much to my skin I’d be broken out the very next day.
I don’t think she cares about us at all lol.
What interests you in particular about this film?
You’re good. If people list a bunch of Tarantino work as faves, its usually a giant red flag.
I have no desire to see this movie. I hate Tarantino and Pitt. And it disgusts me that Emile Hirsch got a slap on the wrist for choking a woman until she was unconscious.
At the risk of outing myself as having terrible taste in film, does anyone else find most of his work unwatchable? I’ve just never understood the appeal of such a high violence to plot ratio and it’s really off-putting to me.
How many of those same people loved GOT and never turned it off due to those rape scenes...