blech walesa

Hell, it’s hard to explain how you feel to people that have suffered depression.

With all due respect, the psychological and emotional makeup of your daughters and their tastes is not going to be universally applicable to every other teenager out there. Your opinion is written well enough and quite valid, but that assumption is unreasonable.

Now playing

You could just listen to this old mashup of NIN and Carly Rae Jepson -

One of the things that hit me really hard with this episode was the dinner table seen when her aunt says “You can tell me if something is wrong, you know that right?” (or something similar) and Ashley says “I have been telling you something is wrong, over and over again.”

It can’t possibly be that hard to have some sort of app that allows audience members to submit questions to the moderator, and the moderator can choose from there. This is the obvious solution.

The part that always vexxes me is how MJ’s obvious pedophilia is far more “complex” than R Kelly’s obvious pedophilia.

The man slept with kids in his bed and got away with it in spite of his race because he was rich. Branca can fuck all the way off for attempting to compare Jackson with King.

Fuck John Branca. What dirty scum. James Baldwin wrote that in 1985. This dude clearly doesn’t care about racism at all if he’s intentionally misrepresenting one of the greats. He just thinks it’ll make people more sensitive to his case and allow him to get his portion of a settlement from HBO.

Most Americans didn’t vote for him last time. Democracy fail.

Lorne Michaels is a perfectionist?  A perfectionist of what?  Mediocrity?

“Why would a boss sexually harass her? I mean look at her. He’s successful and she’s fat and ugly. No way do I believe her. He could do way better.

Had to scroll all the way to the last comment to see this. THANK YOU.

Now playing

I can’t believe we are still debating this! There is NO DIFFERENCE between a “male” and “female” brain! Has she not read “Pink Brain, Blue Brain” by the neuroscientist Lise Eliot?? Or “Delusions of Gender” by psychologist Cordellia Fine?? My god, are we ever going to move past this damaging idea that there are

for them?

Fortunately, the unvaccinated children are easily spotted.

Actually, forcing someone to conform to a gender that they don’t identify with (an act which has been shown to massively increase the chance they attempt suicide) is child abuse.

You know, I normally just ignore comments like these because I know nothing I say is going to make you change your mind. But you managed to piss me off enough to set aside my better judgment and respond. So, here is my response: go fuck yourself.

The Greys™ are particularly hateful on this one. Anyways, kudos to gillete for the positive trans representation!  You just got yourself another customer.

What you know of science is included in your post, and that’s nothing whatsoever.